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来源:用户上传      作者:徐君伟,于洋,黄慧阳,钱孟慧,张淳尧

  Empirical comparison research on diagnostic index system of women's table
  tennis in new ball era
  XU Junwei1,YU Yang2,HUANG Huiyang1,QIAN Menghui1,ZHANG Chunyao1
  Dept. of Sports, Henan University of Economics and Law, Zhengzhou 450046, Henan, China
  Abstract:In order to grasp more accurately tennis women's dominant characteristics and law of competition technique and tactics performance in new ball era, and more effectively play the role of technical and tactical diagnosis in helping Chinese women's table tennis team in preparation for the major games, promote the scientific training and competition level, by methods of literature, expert interviews, competition observation, the article made an empirical comparative study on the representative segmented diagnostic index system constructed by predecessors in recent 30 years. The observation data were obtained from the samples of 146 matches in the finals, semi-finals and quarter-finals of three events including the Olympic Games, the world table tennis championships and the World Cup. The results show that:(1) In the new ball era, each diagnostic index system has a certain degree of rationality, but in comparison, the three diagnostic index system is the most optimal and the most accurate to reveal the basic characteristics and laws of the performance of table tennis technique and tactics. It is the most representative, scientific and leading diagnostic index system. (2) The attacking after serve of the new three-stage diagnostic index system contains the 1st, 3rd and 5th strokes; stalemate segment contains the 5th and the following strokes. Among them, the attacking after serve, stalemate segment play the role of the first place in winning the competition, and grab segment plays the third role. (3) The paragraph attribution of the 5th stroke is not only major for the influence of each stage on the winning of the competition, but also has a significant impact on the scientificity of the new three-stage diagnostic index system. (4) The scoring rate can be better to reflect and evaluate the competition ability of athletes in each section than the usage rate, and has better efficiency of evaluation.

