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  A Study of New Development Trends for Lifelong Learning in the Industry:
  Corporate Universities and Corporate E-learning
  Wu Feng
   The study aims to examine the status quos of corporate universities and corporate E-learning, their development trends, challenges and policy recommendations. In China, corporate universities, usually headed by corporate presidents, have become ideal venues for researching corporate issues, training and selecting corporate personnel, and expanding corporate human resource pools. On the other hand, with its flexibility, E-learning is a popular option for staff to pursue individualized learning. E-learning contributes to delayering the management hierarchy. In terms of development trends, several aspects will be highlighted including performance-based learning and its design, systematic learning, workplace study, corporate knowledge management, and corporate culture and ethos. 70% of the staff training will be offered in the form of E-learning with more emphasis on individualized learning, active learning, design of learning activities and strategies, virtual communities, knowledge construction, game-based learning as well as mobile learning. Challenges faced by corporate universities and corporate E-learning are also discussed and policy recommendations are made to deal with the challenges.
  Keywords: corporate university; corporate E-learning; development trend; challenge; policy recommendation
  The Spatial Patterns of Radio and Television University Students’
  Examination Scores: A GIS-based Study
  Zhao Tingting, Xu Dian, Zhang Aihua and Li Guangde
   This article reports on a comparative study of the end-of-course examination scores in China’s radio and television universities in the second semester of 2001-2002 academic year and the second semester of 2009-2010 academic year. As indicated in the findings, the number of examinees and the number of exam passers had increased substantially from 2002 to 2010. The percentage of examinees had decreased slightly in relation to the whole student population while the pass rate had seen a small increase. In terms of spatial distribution pattern, there was an increase in the number of provinces where the proportion of junior college examinees to the student population was at the intermediate level while provinces with a high proportion of examinees had shifted from the North to the South. 70% of the provinces saw intermediate and high proportions of examinees at the undergraduate level and these provinces formed clusters in spatial distribution. There was a significant increase in the pass rates of junior college examinees. The pass rates of the undergraduate examinees had dropped to some extent and the provinces with a high proportion of examinees had shifted from the East and the West to Central China.
  Keywords: GIS; end-of-course examination; spatial distribution; spatial pattern
  Distance Learner Satisfaction: An Empirical Study Based on
  Structural Equation Modeling

  Su Shengqiang
   Student satisfaction is related to students’ expectation of the school and their perception of teaching quality, service quality as well as the value of learning. High satisfaction may contribute to loyalty to the school. Using the Structural Equation Modeling, this study set out to investigate student satisfaction at Shenzhen Radio and Television University with the aim of identifying the structural relations of student’s expectation, perceived quality, perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty. Findings indicate that perceived quality has a decisive impact on student satisfaction. Perceived quality also impacts significantly on perceived value in that unless students recognize the teaching and service quality they will not see the value of their investment both in time and money. Perceived value influences student satisfaction to some extent because they will not feel satisfied unless they believe in the value of study. Last but not least, student satisfaction affects their loyalty to the school significantly.
  Keywords: student satisfaction; Structural Equation Modeling; Radio and Television University; distance education
  A Preliminary Study of Online Learner Behavior Features
  Cao Liangliang and Zhong Keding
   In recent years, distance education has seen a rapid growth in online learning in China. In distance education, learning resources development and learning environment construction are high-profile issues along with student-centered autonomous learning activities. Nevertheless, the temporal and spatial separation results in lack of consistent attention to students and their learning behaviors. This article reports on a study of the learning behaviors of online learners, adopting the research instruments of case study, questionnaire survey and interview. Findings indicate that in an open and autonomous learning environment learners can enjoy full autonomy in their learning and that teachers should pay attention to learners’ characteristics and learning needs, effectively organize learning activities and design learning resources, properly apply information technology, and optimize the online learning environment.
  Keywords: online learning; learning behavior; knowledge network; effective learning behavior
  A Factor Analysis of Online Collaborative Language Learning Communities
  Feng Xue
   This study set out to identify factors affecting the success of collaborative learning communities in online language learning contexts in China. The study was situated in the Institute of Online Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University (BWOL). With collaborative learning groups that had been fairly active for at least one semester at BWOL as subjects, the study examined factors related to subject matter, technology and social elements, using the research instruments of questionnaire and telephone interview. To triangulate the research results, a survey was also conducted among the students who were not so successful at collaborative learning at BWOL. Findings reveal some major differences between the more effective collaborative learning communities and the less successful ones. The former are more flexible in managing their study contents and following the group study guide, while the latter appear to be less active in making changes to suit their own needs. The more successful groups tend to make best use of a variety of modern technology to stay in touch with each other, but the unsuccessful students appear to be reluctant in reaching out of the learning environment provided by the institution. Social communication awareness is another crucial factor that makes a difference in the success of online community learning.
  Keywords: Web-based language learning; collaborative learning; social skills
