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Learning Credit Recognition in Chinese Higher Education:

Practice and Thoughts

Yin Shuangxu and Yao Wenjian

Learning credit recognition, as one of the most important aspects of credit bank design, is the key index to evaluate the academic dynamics of a higher education institution. Based on analysis of the current practice of three learning credit recognition systems in Beijing, Shanghai and Zhejiang, the authors depict the general Chinese credit recognition model, in terms of cross campus selection of courses, cooperative provision of courses and programs, and student mobility across campuses. Outstanding problems are also analyzed in the current practice.

Keywords: learning credit recognition; learning credit bank; higher education

Research on Web-based Autonomous Learning Forms——the Basis

of Learning Behavior in Web2.0 Environment

Pan Qinghong

The web-based learning in Web2.0 era has the characteristics of distinct personality, socialization, and distributed. The rapid development of network technology and new media cause for concern of ubiquitous learning, mobile learning and other new forms of learning which runs through an important learning behavior basis—web-based autonomous learning. Through in-depth analysis of behavior elements and essential characteristics about web-based autonomous learning, it is divided into four kinds of behavior which are information acquisition, knowledge processing, communication and evaluation feedback from the two dimensions of interaction behavior and learning activities. Then, it summarizes the corresponding forms of network applications.

Keywords: web-based autonomous learning; learning behavior; activity theory; learning interaction

From CALL to SALL through Task-based Instruction

Ouyang Xudong

One of the most important achievements for College English reform is the introduction of web-based listening and speaking. However, the current practice is limited to computer assisted self learning rather than student-centered autonomous learning advocated in the new syllabus. Out-dated content, insufficient monitoring and lack of appropriate feedback all contribute to the current inefficient online learning. Task-based instruction with its clear objectives facilitates students in their practice in listening and speaking, helping them foster their learning strategies, and enhancing their motivation and autonomous learning.

Keywords: college English; web-based listening and speaking;computer assisted language learning; task-based instruction

Virtual Team Building in Agricultural Courses in Distance Education

Peng Ying

Due to the shortage of teachers and difficulty in distance instruction for agricultural courses, virtual teaching teams (VTT) were introduced into these courses in Hunan RTVU. Take the course Poultry Husbandry for example, VTT building strategies were explored in terms of team building target, scale and members, communication modes, team culture, one-stop teaching and learning platform, and collaboration. Suggestions are made as how to improve team teaching in the future.

Keywords: distance education; information technology; poultry husbandry; virtual teaching team

Blended Training Mode for Kindergarten Teachers in Tianjin Rural Areas

Liu Lina and Ping Fan

With more and more attention paid to kindergarten teacher training, traditional training displays its low resources sharing, lack of information exchanges, and limitation of time and space, etc. Tianjin RTVU carried out online training for kindergarten teachers for a Pre-school Teacher Training Program in Tianjin. A five-stage blended method combining face-to-face and online training has been proved to be a success both theoretically and practically, ie. needs analysis, web-based learning, face-to-face tutorials, collaborative learning, and final product.

Keywords: kindergarten teacher; blended training; traditional training

Construction of Online Collaborative Learning Environment

Based on Workflow Technology

Wu Qing and Luo Ruguo

Online collaborative learning can eliminate online learning loneliness, and encourage group dynamics to improve efficiency. However, the BBS-based collaborative learning, as arbitrary as it may be, is not suitable for learners with insufficient collaboration experience and low autonomous learning ability. It is also not efficient due to the disparity between student and teacher numbers. The authors put forward a collaborative learning environment model advocating autonomous learning. It provides learning flows for orderly learning activities with the guidance of collaborative learning strategies and learning management experiences. Possible learning difficulties are monitored and solutions are suggested. Following the rules defined in the environment, students are encouraged for autonomous learning and learning efficiency is improved.

Keywords: web-based collaborative learning; workflow technology; learning flow; collaborative learning strategies
