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来源:用户上传      作者: 本刊编辑部

  High Tech at a Turning Point
  High tech, a term without any precise definition around the world, was introduced into China approximately 20 years ago. Since then, Chinese enterprises have produced more and more high-tech products and made China one of the most prominent countries exporting such goods. However, the high-tech sector is still far from fully mature because everything continues to change at a rapid pace in today’s world.
  In 2008, the Chinese government will improve its management of high-tech industries. Under the new policies, some producers and products will be excluded from the high-tech list while others will be included on the list for the first time. High-tech industries will enjoy expanded privileges, and more producers outside the national high-tech development districts will be able to enjoy the same policy. As a key index of the new regulatory system, research and development will be both the aim and the means of evaluation. Enterprises will have to invest more in R&D if they want to take advantage of the preferential policy for high-tech corporations.
  China Customs in 2007
  It is time to draw year-end conclusions with an overview of the past and a look toward the future.
  In 2007, China customs made a lot. The customs revenue rose to a record high due to the reform of the customs supervising procedure and the acceleration of customs clearance. The Open of Customs Affairs has been pushed forward, and cooperation with foreign partners has been improved. China Customs has also been strengthening its intellectual property protection and making a greater effort in the field of anti-smuggling operations in addition to many other areas of incremental improvement.
  China Relies on Rubber Imports
  Besides oil, iron ore, and nonfe-rrous metals, natural rubber now stands among the strategic resources whose domestic demand cannot be satisfied exclusively from within the borders of China. The risk of overreliance on imports is continually increasing as the demand for rubber keeps rising in this country. China will have to improve its ability to satisfy its own demand for rubber, both crude and synthetic, to transform from a major rubber-consuming country to a strong producer.
  Administrative Reconsideration: Not Just Waiting
  The new administrative reconsid-eration conciliation procedure differs remarkably from the administrative reconsideration procedure because an applicant whose application is accepted may propose reconciliation to the respondent or start a reconciliation negotiation by request of Customs. Waiting is no longer the only option, and a result that could be accepted by both parties may be attained in another way.
  Prevent ODS: China Customs in Action
  Patching Sky Hole, a joint opera-tion to combat the smuggling of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and similar waste materials, was initiated by China Customs with the support of WCO Asia Pacific RILO. The action will help to protect the ozone layer and maintain global ecological balance and will thereby make known the desire of China to play a responsible role in world affairs.
