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  A Study of Measuring Model for Information Resources of China Higher
  Education Based on Affluent Coefficient of Information Resources
  Ni Qiuju and Leng Dejun
  Information resources play an important role in higher education. This paper set out to construct a measuring model for information resources of higher education in China, using analytic hierarchy process and expert investigation method, i.e. filtering information resources on the basis of the affluent coefficient model for raw information resources in accordance with influence from variables. It is argued that the model can offer a reference for the evaluation of information resources of higher education and support higher education institutions to identify their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of information resources development
  Keywords: higher education; information resources; affluent coefficient
  Learning Support Technology: Design and Implementation
  with the Use of Personality-OCC Model
  Hao Yaojun, Wang Jianguo and Zhao Qingshan
  Due to separation in space and time, online education is characterized by lack of emotional communication which in turn becomes a hindrance to online learning. The Personality-OCC Model which is based on fuzzy emotion analysis produces a set of rules that initialize and update emotion variables, combining the Personality Model and the OCC Model, and using fuzzy mathematics methods to make a comprehensive evaluation of emotional changes caused by learning ability and learning process. Some previous models are too complicated to make simultaneous reactions while this model can not only overcome this shortcoming but also take the impact of personality into account. It is argued that emotional communication can be enhanced and online interaction improved by using the Personality-OCC Model to design and implement learning support technology.
  Keywords: personality; OCC model; online learning; emotion model; fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
  Network-based Personalized Learning Model: Construction and Optimization
  Jiang Zhihui
  Network-based personalized learning is believed to be able to break through the limitations of conventional personalized learning. This article presents a network-based approach to personalized learning, analyzes its key elements and features, and suggests strategies for optimizing this approach, including enhancing learning motivation and confidence, catering for individual learners’ needs, scaffolding online interaction, changing learners’ concept of learning assessment, and highlighting individualized assessment.   Keywords: network; personalized learning; model; strategy
  A Survey of Vocational Preference of Online Higher
  Education Students in China
  Sun Daojin
  Using the Chinese Vocational Preference Inventory, which is adapted from Holland’s version, an empirical study was conducted of 257 students from Renmin University of China Online Education College, to report these students’ vocational preferences and analyze the interrelationship between program of study, vocational choice, and vocational preference. As indicated by findings from the study, there were more students of Social, Conventional, and Enterprising personality types than of Realistic and Investigative personality types. Program of study, vocational choice, and vocational preference were also found to co-vary significantly, and this co-variance was influenced to different extents by gender, previous educational level (senior middle school or junior college), and program of study. Informed by the findings, a Vocational Preference Inventory of Online Higher Education Students was developed and implications were discussed.
  Keywords: online education; vocational preference; Holland
  A Study of Interaction Strategies in Online Learning Community of
  Teacher Professional Development: Lessons Learnt from
  e-Mentoring for Student Success Project
  Yang Guanying, Li Zheng and Ye Juping
  Online professional development for teacher is meant to innovate traditional professional development patterns. Nevertheless, there are many factors affecting interactions in online learning communities, hence impacting negatively on online learning efficiency and learning outcomes. This article set out to identify obstacles which hinder interactions in online learning communities and, drawing on the e-Mentoring for Student Success Project, propose solutions to the problems identified, ranging from community construction mechanism, and interaction content and activity to learning design, with the aim of facilitating in-depth interaction and enhancing professional development.
  Keywords: online professional development for teacher; online learning; learning community; interaction strategy
  Learner Support Standards at Learning Center: A Management Perspective
  Liu Shu and Yang Tingting
  Learner support is an essential component of distance education. Given that learning centers are first points of contact for learning support, it is of paramount importance to establish a sound learning support system and effective operation mechanism for them. Drawing on best practice of exemplary learning centers, this study focuses on the design of learner support standards for learning centers from the perspective of management science. The standards were trialed in three exemplary learning centers and findings and implications are discussed.
  Keywords: learning center; learner support; standard; management