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  Functions and Roles of Print Media Templates for Distance Education
  Wang Yue and Zhao Hong
   Print media has always been one of the key components of distance education resources. The purpose to design and develop print media templates is to standardize the key components of the print based resources, and to provide some general framework for course writers to design and develop coursebooks fully reflecting distance education characteristics, hence, facilitating course writing, highlighting learner guidance and support, and coordinating the roles of different media. Three types of templates, their design elements and methodology, are discussed in detail, namely, content template, style template and format template. Pilot use of these templates show that they can significantly improve the quality of distance education course books except for some difficulties course writers may encounter using them.
  Keywords: distance education; print media; coursebook template; key components
  The Development Mechanism of Vocational Education in Australia
  and its Implications for the Open University of China
  Li Jiang
   In order to develop human resources and improve skills for all walks of life, Australia has established a highly efficient national vocational education training system, which is similar to the Open University system currently being built in China. Based on a systematic analysis of the development mechanism of vocational education in Australia, including the national strategies, diverse national training systems, political environment encouraging vocational development, and quality assurance measures, etc, this study discusses the implications of the Australian mechanism for the construction of the Open University of China (OUC). It is posited that the top design of OUC should be aimed at a long-term scientific and efficient system, with roles and functions clearly defined and distributed, policies and accreditation systems scientifically designed and unified nationwide.
  Keywords: Australia; vocational training; development mechanism; Open University; Revelation
  Constructing an Evaluation Index System for Higher Education
  Websites Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process
  Sun Yu, Hu Suwang and Li Guobin
   With the rapid development and wide use of computers and communications technology, on the one hand, use of IT has become more and more popular in higher education institutions, with growing numbers of websites designed and developed, on the other hand, due to lack of unified overall plan, sound decision making and scientific evaluation systems, these websites are seriously underused, with low updating frequency and insecure environment. Aiming to promote a healthy development for these websites, the authors put forward a three-leveled evaluation index system for higher education websites, namely goal, criteria and alternatives. The criteria level includes website design, content, functions, security and access, each containing specific index. Analytic hierarchy process with both qualitative and quantitative methods is used in the study.

  Keywords: higher education websites; analytic hierarchy process; website evaluation; index system; weight distribution
  Virtual Environment for Blended Learning from
  the Perspective of Phenomenology
  Qiu Xiaochun
   This study set out to explore the application of virtual learning environment (VLE) for College English from the perspective of phenomenology. 20 College English teachers from 5 universities took part in the study. Based on analysis of the interviews, this study put forward 4 categories of VLE application, namely, information transfer, conceptualization, exchange of views and resources sharing, and collaborative construction of knowledge, with the former two focusing on knowledge transfer and the role of teachers in understanding concepts, the latter two on promoting collaborative construction among learners and developing learning conscience and skills. The study shows that VLE plays different roles in different teaching environments. In a teacher-centred setting, VLE can provide some supplementary environment for information sharing; whereas in a learner-centred setting, VLE may be the key learning environment, at least as important as the face-to-face setting, promoting collaborative learning and knowledge construction.
  Keywords: phenomenology; blended learning; virtual learning environment; College English
  Design of Double-leveled Student Model in an Online
  Intelligent Tutoring System
  Hao Yaojun, Wang Jianguo and Zhao Qingshan
   Student model in an online intelligent tutoring system (ITS) is the foundation for individualized teaching decision making, and a qualitative standard for learner customized teaching in adaptive tutoring. This study explores the methodology to construct a dynamic student model in an online ITS, consisting of a basic level and a higher level. The basic level deals mainly with students’ cognitive abilities, while the higher level involves evaluation and classification of interests, hobbies, knowledge status, and education background of students. This new model can provide flexible and thorough analysis about students’ characteristics, and improve the decision making system of ITS. This double-leveled model has been successfully experimented in the SQLlearning system.
  Keywords: student model; intelligent tutoring system; Hopfield neural network; MATLAB
