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来源:用户上传      作者:胡瑞文 刘勇军 唐春闺 肖艳松 向鹏华 穰中文 周清明 黎娟 李强

  摘  要:为探明湖南稻作烟区土壤有效硼和有效钼含量的垂直变化规律,采集湖南郴州、衡阳和长沙烟区0~50 cm剖面土壤150个,利用多元统计方法分析了植烟土壤有效硼和有效钼的垂直分布特征,并揭示了其与有机质的关系。结果表明,土壤有效硼和有效钼含量随土层加深逐渐降低;20~50 cm土层有效硼含量郴州和衡阳烟区“低”,长沙烟区“极低”。郴州和衡阳烟区各土层有效钼含量“中等”或“丰富”,长沙烟区30~50 cm土层有效钼含量“低”。土壤有效硼和有效钼含量与有机质含量显著正相关,且各土层有效硼与有机质均符合线性模型,有效钼与有机质在0~30 cm土层符合线性模型,30~50 cm土层符合线性加平台模型;随土壤深度增加,有机质与有效硼的相关性增强,与有效钼的相关性减弱。在长期小型机械和人工耕作制度下,土壤耕作层变浅,有效硼和有效钼呈现出表层富集化的趋势。
  Abstract: In order to investigate the vertical distribution of soil available boron and available molybdenum content in paddy–tobacco growing areas of Hunan Province, in 2017, 150 soil samples with 0-50 cm profile in Chenzhou, Hengyang and Changsha tobacco growing areas were collected. The vertical distribution characteristics of available boron and available molybdenum in tobacco planting soil were analyzed by multivariate statistical method, and the relationship between them and organic matter was studied. The contents of available boron and molybdenum in soil decreased with the deepening of soil layer. The available boron content of 20-50 cm soil layer in Chenzhou and Hengyang tobacco area was "low", and that in Changsha tobacco area was "very low". In Chenzhou and Hengyang tobacco areas, the available molybdenum content of each soil layer is "medium" or "rich", while in Changsha tobacco area, the available molybdenum content of 30-50 cm soil layer is "low". There was a significant positive correlation between the content of soil available boron and available molybdenum and the content of organic matter, and the content of available boron and organic matter in each soil layer was consistent with the linear model. The contents of available molybdenum and organic matter were consistent with the linear model in 0-30 cm soil layer, and in line with the linear plus platform model in the 30-50 cm soil layer. With the increase of soil depth, the correlation between organic matter and available boron was strengthened, and the correlation between organic matter and available molybdenum was weakened. Under the long-term small-scale mechanical and artificial farming system, with the soil tillage layer becoming shallower, the available boron and available molybdenum showed a trend of surface enrichment.
  Keywords: paddy–tobacco growing area; vertical distribution; soil boron and molybdenum nutrient; soil organic matter; regression analysis
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