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  From War and Revolution to Harmonious World: Evolution of CPC's Concept of Main Theme of Times and China's Diplomacy
  YE Qing
  Since her founding 90 years ago, the Chinese Communist Party has succeeded in formulating a set of concepts judging the main themes of the times based on her evaluations of the development of the international system and the practices derived from China's revolution, the main feature of which is to pinpoint the primary contradiction of the age. The 90 years' evolution can be divided into three periods: the first is from 1921 to the end of 1970s, in which war and revolution prevail; the second is from 1980s to the end of twentieth century, in which peace and development is seen as the main theme; the last is from the beginning of this century, in which the CPC developed the concept of "Harmonious World" based on peace and development.
  CPC’s Views on International System and China’s Diplomacy
  International system as a concept is about the overall state of international relations. The relations between China and the world since the modern history are the very relations between China and the international system, which zigzagged all the way along. Ever since its birthday the Chinese Communist Party(CPC) has taken on a macro, international field of vision in continuously exploring China’s relations with the international system, understanding the system, adjusting and revising China’s relations with the system, having completed the switching from the part of a revolutionary, an activist and an isolator of the system to the part of an all-round participant and a builder of the system, which is a historical change of the relations. The CPC’s perspectives of international system, advancing with the times, have guided China’s diplomatic practices in taking on a novel road with which China’s rise and the international system coexist harmoniously and transition steadily, making China a responsible participant, builder and contributor of the international system.
  Evolvement of Views on the National Interest of Communist Party of China
  LIU Zongyi
  View on the national interest is the basic concept of the content, importance, values and realization of the national interest. Throughout the 90 years’ history of the Communist Party of China (CPC), CPC’s view on the national interest and ways of its realization has experienced a process of turning ambiguity into clarity and turning simplicity into complexity. During this process, how to correctly deal with the relationship between the national interest and ideology is always a very important aspect of the view on the national interest of CPC. This paper analyses the evolvement of views on the national interest of CPC at different stages from the concept of the content and objectives of the national interest, judgments of values and ways of realization. The author is of the view that the internally-oriented characteristic, de-ideologization and loving peace are three distinctive features of view on the national interest of CPC in trend.

  Scientific Outlook on Development and China’s Diplomacy
  ZHANG Haibing
  Scientific outlook on development brings two impacts on China’s diplomacy: on the one side how diplomacy can contribute to domestic scientific development, on the other side how to realize the scientific development in the field of China’s diplomacy. Scientific outlook on development is the theoretic basis of China’s diplomacy practices, and also provides the guideline for the innovation of China’s diplomatic theory. Under the guide of scientific outlook on development, the innovation of China’s diplomacy mainly includes six points: first, perfect the diplomacy theory system that includes the core ideas of peace, development, cooperation and win-win. Second, set the people first at the center of diplomatic thinking and act as basic rule. Third, propose civilization dialogue and cooperation, and put forward the new idea of harmonious world. Fourth, emphasize responsible diplomacy and balance between benefit and accountability. Fifth, positively push forward the public diplomacy, shaping the image China. Sixth,inject brand-new development idea into China’s diplomacy in the new age.
  Chinese Communist Party and Traditional Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics
  ZHANG Chun
  Traditional diplomacy is an important dimension of Chinese diplomacy under the leadership of the CPC. In the past nine decades, with firmly grasping of the three historical trends, namely peace and development, economic globalization, and democratization of international politics, the CPC leads the Chinese traditional diplomacy from passive and simplified one to proactive and comprehensive one. Meanwhile, the CPC always focuses on peaceful diplomacy, open diplomacy, and independent diplomacy that derive from the above three historical trends respectively. Besides that, the CPC attaches great importance to the balance between physical interests and universal values, including balance between national interests and human being interests, and between big powers and periphery diplomacy, which emphasize on physical interests, and developing world diplomacy and multilateral diplomacy, which emphasize on universal values. The evolution of Chinese traditional diplomacy pushes itself from one success to another, and lays firm foundations for its future development as well.
  Towards a Green and Win-win Future: China’s Energy & Environmental Diplomacy
  YU Hongyuan
  With the new rising non-traditional security as energy and environment crisis, China has and continued to play a responsible role. Strategically speaking, energy and environment have been put in high priorities in China’s national policy making by including resource saving, environment protecting and sustainable development as the basic state policy. China always works actively on all kinds of its international commitments, struggles for the global energy and environment governance and order building. Chinese Government attaches great importance to energy and environment issues from the strategy, adhere to the resource conservation and protection of the environment as a national strategy for sustainable development, efforts to implement the international commitments, participate actively in the next stage of the international response to the energy and environmental security system and construction of global governance, to build a new global energy order played an active role.

  CPC’s Party Diplomacy Examined and Its Future
  NIU Haibin
  The rising party politics and modern diplomacy has made political party an important actor in international relations. Party diplomacy has been playing an important role in nation’s total diplomacy, such as guiding and coordinating with government diplomacy, promoting party building and governance capacity etc. CPC has established an all-around, multi-channel, wide-ranging and deep-level arrangement against its long-experienced party diplomacy history. CPC’s party diplomacy also faces new opportunities in the areas of global issues and institutional network building.
  Global Issues and States
  YU Zhengliang
  The 21st century is one of global issues. Major global issues have been erupting successively ever since the turn of the century. They not only lead to structural conflicts among states, but also create new opportunities for the latter. Therefore, states will inevitably play a new but controversial role, will adopt different visions, will globalize their agendas, and will bring new changes to international negotiations as well. It is therefore particularly notable how emerging states treat global issues including governance of the issues.
  Thoughts about Core National Interests
  WANG Gonglong
  Core interests are the interests that take the first priority in the structure of national interests, relate to the whole picture, and face threat though should not be challenged. Core interests are universal as well as distinctive, and stable as well as fluid. Core interests are perceived subjectively as well as objectively. Core interests will be neglected if they are regarded as lesser interests and vice versa. Core interests are important though they should be assessed and defined in light of national conditions and international environment. The connotation of the core national interests is basically stable, though adjustment is necessary to the change of situation and should be done in a gradual and timely way. Objective conditions and subjective factors should be taken into account in combination so that the subjective perception fits the objective reality.
  G20 and Reform of International Financial System
  M. Delyagin
  The root cause of the recent global financial crisis is the systemic crisis of the mankind. The U.S. financial derivatives market provides investors with products with lower risks than what primary market can provide with. The risks minimize at the individual level bear out their aggregate at the systemic level, which ends up with the collapse of the system. Absence of driving forces for economic growth in the United States and the world economy leads the post-crisis global economy to the direction of chronic depression. Due to the different purposes of its creation and its built-in contradictions, G20 is no solution to the problems of the present world financial system. The international body is more likely to become a center of international debate than to become a pattern of global governance. It is more of something to be exploited than to be expected. The world economy is undergoing a painstaking transition from a speculation model to a production model. Restructuring the speculative liabilities, implementing the gold standard, and establishing a new global reserve currency system will prove to be a less painful pattern of transition.
