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  [摘 要]有效防控税务机关行政执法风险是税务机关提高依法治税水平和税收征管质量的重要举措。在阐述税务机关行政执法风险总体状况的基础上,针对其税收法制体系尚需完善、税务执法环境压力较大、税务执法人员能力不足和税务系统平台仍有短板等问题,提出了健全税务执法法制体系、减少税务执法环境压力、提升税务人员素质能力和完善税务系统平台建设等对策建议,以此提高税务机关行政执法风险防控水平。
  [中图分类号] F81           [文献标识码] A           [文章编号] 2095-3283(2020)03-0083-03
  Study on Administrative Law Enforcement Risk
  and Prevention and Control Countermeasures of Tax Authorities
  Wang Shuguang   Pi Jingxuan
  (Harbin University of Commerce, Harbin Heilongjiang 150028)
  Abstract: Effectively preventing and controlling administrative law enforcement risks is an important measure for tax authorities to improve the level of tax administration according to law and the quality of tax collection and management. On the basis of elaborating the general situation of administrative law enforcement risks of tax authorities, in view of its tax legal system needs to be improved, the tax law enforcement environment is under great pressure, the tax law enforcement personnel are insufficient, and the tax system platform still has shortcomings, etc., this paper puts forward some countermeasures and Suggestions to improve the legal system of tax enforcement, reduce the environmental pressure of tax enforcement, improve the quality and ability of tax personnel and improve the construction of tax system platform, so as to improve the level of risk prevention and control of tax authorities' administrative law enforcement.
  Key Words: Tax Authorities; Administrative Law Enforcement; the Prevention and Control of Risks;
  Tax Collection and Administration
  为加强税务机关内部控制、降低税务风险,2017 年3月国家税务总局印发了《全国税务系统内部控制基本制度(试行)》,明确了税务系统内部控制的目标、控制方法和组织管理等主要内容,要求各级税务机关将政策制定风险、税收执法风险和行政管理风险,以及由此产生的廉政风险系统,作为税务工作风险加以防控。但在实际税收管理工作中,仍就存在着税务人员渎职或违法违纪的行为。据统计,2014年1月至2018年5月,全国有356名税务人员因涉嫌相关渎职犯罪被检察院起诉,最终339名税务人员被追究刑事责任[1]。税务渎职案件的存在,极大地影响了税款的足额征收,损害了社会的公平正义,易致社会公众对国家特别是税务机关的信任危机。