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来源:用户上传      作者: 蒋小青

  12. 如果你能告诉我一些情况,我将十分感激。
  误:I’d appreciate very much if you would tell me something about it.
  正:I’d appreciate it very much if you would tell me something about it.
  析:appreciate(感激)是及物动词,其后不能没有宾语。为方便记忆,可将 I would appreciate it if... 视为一个固定句型。
  13. 他安排我去机场迎接客人。
  误:He arranged me to meet the guests at the airport.
  正:He arranged for me to meet the guests at the airport.
  析:arrange(安排)后可接不定式作宾语,但习惯上却不接不定式的复合结构作宾语,遇此情况可在 arrange 后加介词 for(如上面的正句)或换成从句。如:He arranged that I (should) meet the guests at the airport.
  14. 小孩喜欢像糖果和玩具之类的东西。
  误:Children like such things like candy and toys.
  正:Children like such things as candy and toys.
  析:such... as 是固定搭配,不要受汉语影响将 as 换成 like 之类的词。
  15. 昨天早上朋友来看我时,我还在睡大觉。
  误:I was very asleep when my friend came to see me yesterday morning.
  正:I was fast [sound] asleep when my friend came to see me yesterday morning.
  析:要表示“睡得很熟”,asleep 习惯上不能用 very 修饰,而用 fast 或 sound 来修饰。
  16. 他不为金钱和美女所动。
  误:He had no attraction for money and women.
  正:Money and women had no attraction for him.
  析:A has[holds] attraction for B这一结构表示的是“对B来说,A具有吸引力”,也就是说“A对B有吸引力或诱惑力”,即B喜欢A,而不是其相反。又如:Television has little attraction for me. 电视对我没什么吸引力。
  17. 她所谓生病只不过是避免见他的花招而已。
  误:Her illness is merely a device to avoid to see him.
  正:Her illness is merely a device to avoid seeing him.
  析:avoid后接动词时要用动名词,不能用不定式。又如:It was impossible to avoid being affected. 要想不受影响是不可能的。
  18. 他们在机场检查了所有行李。
  误:They examined all baggages at the airport.
  正:They examined all baggage at the airport.
  析:baggage 主要用于美国英语,英国英语中通常用 luggage。两者都是“行李”的统称,不具体指一件行李,因此不可数,没有复数形式,也不与不定冠词或数词连用。
  19. 他知道她哭是因为他说的话。
  误:He knew she was crying because what he had said.
  正:He knew she was crying because of what he had said.
  析:一般说来,because 后接从句, because of 后接名词或代词。但是由于 what he had said 实质上相当于名词(the thing that he had said),所以其前应用 because of。顺便补充一句,一般说的 because 后接从句,通常是指没有引导词的句子,因为 because 已是从属连词,本身已是引导原因状语从句的引导词。
  20. 为了减肥,除正餐之外最好不要吃零食。
  误:In order to lose weight, you’d not eat anything among meals.
  正:In order to lose weight, you’d not eat anything between meals.
  析:原则上说,between 用于两者,among 用于三者或三者以上。但若表示三者当中每两者之间的关系时,要用 between,而不用among。
  21. 听到这个好消息,孩子们都大笑起来。
  误:Hearing the good news, the children burst into laughing.
  正:Hearing the good news, the children burst into laughter.
  正:Hearing the good news, the children burst out laughing.
  析:burst into 和 burst out 都可表示“突然进入某种状态或发生某种情况”,但前者通常后接名词,后者通常后接动名词。
