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  【摘要】目的:通过了解海州区传染病报告现状及传染病在居民中的漏报情况,推算出校正发病率水平 ,为制订防治规划 ,提出防治措施提供依据。方法:采取整群随机抽样,抽取 5个乡镇(办)5个村(居委会),调查2009年 1-9月份发生的法定传染病就诊及报告情况。结果:共调查5个乡镇(街道),查出乙丙类法定传染病4种15例,漏报12例,漏报率为80%,漏报率最高的病种为水痘100%,其次是流行性腮腺炎87.50%。乙类传染病明显低于其它传染病,就诊漏报最高的是村级卫生室 (个体诊所 )达100%。结论:丙类及监测性传染病漏报严重,加强丙类及监测传染病报告管理,进一步提高传染病监测敏感性;村卫生就诊漏报严重,加强对基层医生传染病诊断、报告知识的培训,提高诊断能力,从而提高各类传染病的发现及报告率,减少漏报。
  The Zhugai area in 2009 the resident legal infectious disease fails to report the diagnosis report
  Yin Zhaotian
  【Abstract】Objective: Through understood that the Zhugai area infectious disease reported the present situation and the infectious disease fail to report the situation in the resident, calculated the adjustment disease incidence rate level, is the making control program, proposed that the prevention measure provides the basis. Methods: Adopts the entire group random sampling, extracts 5 villages and towns (to manage) 5 villages (residents’ committee), investigates January, 2009 the legal infectious disease seeing a doctor which and the report situation occurs to September. Results: Altogether investigates 5 villages and towns (street), finds out the second grade third kind of legal infectious disease 4 kinds of 15 examples, fails to report 12 examples, the rate of missing report is 80%, the rate of missing report highest sickness plants for the chicken pox 100%, next is the mumps 87.50%. The class B infectious disease is lower than other infectious diseases obviously, what the seeing a doctor fails to report is highest is the village-level clinic (individual clinic) reaches 100%. Conclusion: Third kind and the monitor infectious disease fails to report seriously, strengthens third kind and the monitor infectious disease reports the management, further enhances the infectious disease to monitor the sensitivity; The village health seeing a doctor fails to report seriously, strengthens the infectious disease diagnoses, report knowledge training to basic unit doctor, sharpens the diagnosis ability, thus enhances each kind of infectious disease’s discovery and the report rate, reduces fails to report.
  【Key words】Infectious disease; Resident; Rate of missing report; Disease incidence rate
  1.1用整群随机抽样法,将全区划分为东、西、南、北、中5 个片,每片随机抽查1个乡镇(办事处),每乡镇(办事处)随机抽取1个村即朐阳的网疃村、锦屏的陶湾村、新坝的沙杭村、洪门的洪门村和海州办事处的南门街作为调查点(每点调查人数在200人 以上)。
