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  关键词:细胞 癌细胞 生物 生命 习性 区别 比较
  The Comparison between Normal Cells and Cancer Cells in the Body
  1. Fan Zhihua, Hangzhou Fanzhihua Medical Technology Development Co. Ltd, 310012
  2. Chen Shaoyan, Hangzhou Qianjiang Hospital
  3. Xu Jianbin, Department of Pathology Research, Fuzhou Medical College of Nanchang University
  4. Zhao Wenqiang, No.2 Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine of Nanchang
   Keywords:normal Cellcancer cell comparison
  Cancer is a cellular disease which results from body cells’ self mutation caused by external injuries.
   (一) The features of normal cells - normal cells of the body have growth circle. They grow in the form of metabolism. Every day can see a large number of old cells die, and a large number of new cells come out (to supplement).
   (二)The features of cancer cells - cancer cells have no growth circle, they can not metabolize by themselves. They are deathless cells. They can do asexual reproduction (division, differentiation) to accumulate in a ceaseless way.
   (三) The features of normal human cells - normal body cells need a certain amount of water, electrolyte and protein to survive. Otherwise they will die.
   (四) The features of cancer cells- cancer cells and normal cells are the same in the point that they both need the nutrient supply.
   1. Normal human cells can metabolize by themselves. When they grow to certain level, they will die. Every day can see a large number of old cells die, and a large number of new cells come out (to supplement).
   2. Cancer cells are deathless cells. They cannot metabolize by themselves. It grows by accumulation ceaselessly.
   (六) Discussion
  Similarities and differences between normal cells and cancer cells:
   Differences: normal cells have growth cycle.
  Similarities: normal cells and cancer cells both need nutrients from the body. Cancercells can ceaselessly divide and differentiate themselves so that they need much more nutrients from the body. If the nutrient supply can not meet their needs, it will result in death.
