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  关键词:癌症 传染 预防
  1、 癌症的发病――是受外界因素、创伤所导致人体自身细胞的变异,所产生的一种细胞性疾病。它的特性是吸收人体的营养物质使人衰竭而死亡。
  2、 微生物(细菌)是人体的外来的生物入侵,它的特性就是产生毒素,使人中毒而死,因此癌症是不会传染的。而微生物(细菌、病毒)是会传染的。
  3、 癌症为什么不会传染
  4、 癌症的预防
  5、 讨论
  The Infection and Prevention of Cancer
  1. Fan Zhihua, Hangzhou Fan Zhihua Medical Technology Development Co. Ltd, 310012
  2. Chen Shaoyan, Hangzhou Qianjiang Hospital
  3. Xu Jianbin, Department of Pathology Research, Fuzhou Medical College of Nanchang University
  4. Zhao Wenqiang, No.2 Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine of Nanchang
  Keywords: Cancer infection prevention
   Is cancer contagious? Can cancer be prevented?
  1.Cancer is a cellular disease which results from body cells’ self mutation caused by external injuries. It will deplete the body of nutrients and leads to death.
  2. Micro organisms (bacteria) are brought by external organisms. They can produce deadly toxins. Therefore, cancer is not infectious, and micro-organisms (bacteria, virus) are infectious.
  3.Why is cancer not infectious?
  Because cancer is a cellular disease which results from body cells’ self mutation caused by external injuries. It has essential difference with microorganisms (bacteria, virus)in both cause and features. Therefore, cancer is not infectious. It just grows in the body ceaselessly by division (differentiation). It depletes the body of the nutrients and leads to death of the patient.
  4. Prevention of Cancer
  Cancer is totally different from AIDS. Many factors, which are closely related to daily life, can lead to cancer, which makes cancer extremely hard to prevent. AIDS mainly has three transmission routes: blood transmission, sex transmission and mother-to-child transmission, with mother-to-child transmission secondary to the other two. Therefore, the two main incentives are blood transmission and sex transmission (mother-to-child transmission) .Aids can be prevented if we control and regulate illegal blood collection, drug abuse and dirty sexual contact. Therefore, AIDS is completely preventable, and it is convenient efficient and cost effective to prevent, while cancer is very hard to prevent. We need to make breakthroughs in the treatment of cancer.
  5. Discussion
  Cancer is not infectious. Why we still cannot prevent it?
  Cancer is a cellular disease which results from body cells’ self mutation caused by external injuries. Therefore, it is not infectious. Too many factors which are closed related to real life may result in cancer, such as smoke, dust, radiation, sunlight, drinking water, toxic and hazardous substances in some food etc. And in fact it is really difficult to be free from the above substances! Therefore, cancer is hard to prevent and what we can do is very limited. The key lies in the breakthrough in treatment.
