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  【摘 要】目的:研究测量抽吸物pH法定位鼻胃管位置准确性。方法:在2015年2月-2018年2月期间接受鼻饲患者615例作为研究对象,对全部患者进行PH法定位,同时为患者进行X线检查,检查结果为金标准,对比PH>5和PH≤5两种鉴别方式的特异性和敏感性。结果:当PH≤5的时候,真陽性例数较低,容易出现漏诊现象,但是借助这一方式判断鼻胃管位置,不容易出现错误结果。而当比我管内抽取物PH>5的时候, 验证肺内真阳性例数较高,比较容易区分鼻管是否误插入肺内,诊断具有较高真实性,误诊率较低。结论:针对鼻饲患者,对鼻胃管位置进行判断,当前还没有绝对安全和准确的方法。采用PH值监测,具有较高准确性和安全性,因此可以应用在临床上,或者与X线片联合应用。
  Abstract Objective:to study the accuracy of measuring the pH of aspirate at the legal position of nasogastric tube. Methods:from February 2015 to February 2018, 615 patients receiving nasal feeding were selected as the study subjects. All patients were given the PH legal position and X-ray examination was performed at the same time, and the results were the gold standard. The specificity and sensitivity of the two identification methods of PH > 5 and PH 5 were compared. Results:when PH 5, the number of true positive cases was low, and the phenomenon of missed diagnosis was easy to occur. However, it was not easy to judge the position of nasogastric tube with this method, and the wrong results were not easy to occur. When the PH > value of the extracted substance was higher than that of our tube, the number of true positive cases in the lung was higher, and it was easier to distinguish whether the nasal tube was inserted into the lung by mistake. Therefore, the diagnosis had higher authenticity and lower misdiagnosis rate. Conclusion: there is no absolutely safe and accurate method to determine the position of nasogastric tube for nasogastric feeding patients. PH monitoring has high accuracy and safety, so it can be used clinically or in combination with X-ray.
  Key words:  evaluation measurement; Suction; PH method; Positioning; Nasogastric tube position
  【中图分类号】 R322.9+2【文献标识码】 B【文章编号】 1672-3783(2019)05-03-068-01
  1 资料与方法
  1.1 一般资料 在2015年2月-2018年2月期间接受鼻饲患者615例作为研究对象,对全部患者进行PH法定位,同时为患者进行X线检查,检查结果为金标准。患者年龄在18-70岁之间,平均年龄为(42±2.14)岁,患者中男性365例,女性为250例。
  1.2 方法 结合临床操作方式,在患者体内置入胃管,排除在气管可能后,对插入长度进行判断,查看其是否符合标准。回抽液体在0.5ml-1.0ml之间,对PH值进行检测,分析鼻胃管是否在胃中[1]。
  1.3 评价指标 对患者胃液进行PH值测定后,对比PH>5和PH≤5时,真阳性检测准确性。
  1.4 统计学分析 研究数据利用 SPSS19.0 统计学软件进行分析, 计数资料采用x2检验,计量采用t检验,计量指标用均数± 标准差(x±s)表示,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
  2 结果
  当PH≤5的时候,真阳性例数较低,容易出现漏诊现象,但是借助这一方式判断鼻胃管位置,不容易出现错误结果。而当比我管内抽取物PH>5的时候, 验证肺内真阳性例数较高,比较容易区分鼻管是否误插入肺内,诊断具有较高真实性,误诊率较低。   3 討论
  本研究显示,当PH≤5的时候,真阳性例数较低,容易出现漏诊现象,但是借助这一方式判断鼻胃管位置,不容易出现错误结果。而当比我管内抽取物PH>5的时候, 验证肺内真阳性例数较高,比较容易区分鼻管是否误插入肺内,诊断具有较高真实性,误诊率较低。因此,该种方式具有一定应用价值,如果科学应用,或者与其他检测方式结合使用,能够提升检测准确率,有效判断鼻胃管是否在患者胃内。
  [1] 陈卫挺,赵佳丽,陈英姿,陈仁辉,陶福正,王和浩.床旁超声定位鼻胃管在机械通气危重患者中的应用[J].中国乡村医药,2018,25(09):11-12.
  [2] 闵焕娣,孙桂萍,赵小彩,闵焕婷.成人鼻胃管置入位置判定方法研究进展[J].世界最新医学信息文摘,2016,16(57):52-53.
  [3] Boeykens K, Steeman E, Duysburgh I. Reliability of pH measurement and the auscultatory method to confirm the position of a nasogastric tube[J]. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2013, 32(11):S18-S18.
  [4] Bennetzen, Vad L, Hakonsen, et al. Diagnostic accuracy of the methods carried out to verify nasogastric tube position in mechanically ventilated adult patients: a systematic review protocol[J]. Jbi Database of Systematic Reviews & Implementation Reports, 2013, 11(12):109.