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来源:用户上传      作者: 陈仁祯

  46. 法官非常注意这一情况,即孩子在家里并不快乐。
  误:The judge paid a lot of attention to that the child was unhappy at home.
  正:The judge paid a lot of attention to the fact that the child was unhappy at home.
  析:按英语习惯,除极个别介词(如 except,but 等)外,一般的介词之后均不能直接跟 that 从句。如语义上需要接这类从句,则通常使用 the fact that 这一结构。注:在这类句型中, the fact 用作前面介词的宾语,其后 that 从句为修饰 the fact 的同位语从句,用以说明 the fact 的具体内容。
  47. 我们了解他的性格。
  误:We are familiar to his character.
  正:We are familiar with his character.
  析:familiar (熟悉的)有以下两类用法须注意:一是表示某人熟悉某事物,此时通常只用作表语,其后连用介词 with;二是表示某事物为某人所熟悉,此时可用作表语或定语,其后通常连用介词 to。比较:We are familiar with the saying. 我们熟悉这条格言。The saying is familiar to us. 这条格言我们熟悉。
  48. 到目前为止,这工作很容易,但情况可能有变化。
  误:So far the work is easy but things may change.
  正:So far the work has been easy but things may change.
  析:so far 有两个主要意思:一是表示“到目前为止”,强调的是从过去持续到现在的一段时间,所以通常与现在完成时连用;另一个意思是表示“到这种程度或范围”,此时可根据情况选用时态,如:I can only help him so far. 我只能帮他到这种程度。
  49. 我想笑,但是不敢笑。
  误:I felt like to laugh,but I didn’t dare.
  正:I felt like laughing,but I didn’t dare.
  析:feel like 中的 like 不是动词,是介词,所以其后只能接名词或动名词,不能接不定式。feel like的主要用法有“想要”“摸起来像”“(感到)像是……”,如: It feels like silk. 这东西摸起来像丝绸。 I feel like catching a cold. 我像是感冒了。
  50. 每周推出数以百计的新唱片,但(其中)没有几张能进入每周流行榜。
  误:Hundreds of new records are produced each week but a few (of them) get into the charts.
  正:Hundreds of new records are produced each week but few (of them) get into the charts.
  析:few 和 a few 均表示复数意义,few 表示数量很少或几乎没有,强调“少”,含有否定意义; a few 表示数量虽然少但毕竟还有,强调“有”,含有肯定意义。比较:His theory is very difficult,and few people understand it. 他的理论很深奥,没有几个人能懂。His theory is very difficult,but a few people understand it. 他的理论很深奥,但是有些人懂。
  51. 劳驾,能借个火吗?
  误:Can you give me a fire,please?
  正:Can you give me a light,please?
  析:fire 表示“火”,主要指燃烧的火;表示火柴或打火机等的“火”,英语用 light。
  52. 据说他对她是一见钟情。
  误:It’s said that he fell in love with her at the first time he saw her.
  正:It’s said that he fell in love with her the first time he saw her.
  析:the first time (第一次)在此用作连词,引导时间状语从句。此句也可改为:He fell in love with her when he saw her for the first time.
  53. 起初我还以为他很腼腆,后来我才发觉他是不爱理人。
  误:First I thought he was shy,but then I discovered he was just not interested in other people.
  正:At first I thought he was shy,but then I discovered he was just not interested in other people.
  析:比较 first 与 at first:前者意为“先……”,用来说明顺序,暗示接下去还有其它动作或事件要发生,因此其后往往接有(或暗示有) then,next,last 等词;而后者意为“起初”“开始”,它强调的是前后对照,暗示接下去的动作与前面的动作有所不同甚至相反,因此常有 but,afterwards,soon,at last 等相呼应。比较:First my car broke down,then I lost my key:it never rains but it pours! 先是我的汽车出了故障,接着又丢了钥匙,真是祸不单行!/ At first things went well,but later on we ran into trouble. 起初事情进展得很顺利,但后来我们遇到了困难。
  54. 许多年轻人都喜欢听流行音乐。
  误:Many young people are fond to listen to pop music.
  正:Many young people are fond of listening to pop music.
  析:表示喜欢做某事,通常用 be fond of doing sth,而不用 be fond to do sth。
  55. 他们原谅了他的鲁莽。
  误:They forgave him to be rude.
  正:The forgave his being rude.
  正:They forgave (him) his rudeness.
  正:They forgave him for being rude.
  析:forgive (原谅)之后可以接名词或代词作宾语,也可以接双宾语,还可以接动名词(通常有逻辑主语)以及用于 forgive sb for doing sth 等,但是它通常不接不定式的复合结构。
  56. 他用惊恐的眼神看着他周围的每一个人。
  误:He stared at everyone around him with frightening eyes.
  正:He stared at everyone around him with frightened eyes.
  析:比较 frightening 与 frightened:前者指“令人害怕的”,后者指“感到害怕的”。比较:frightened eyes 惊恐的眼神。frightening eyes 吓人的眼神。The man was frightened. 这个人很害怕(即被吓住了)。The man was frightening. 这个人很恐怖(好像要伤人似的)。
  57. 这个假日过得真没意思,我们还不如呆在家里。
  误:This holiday isn’t very funny;we might as well be back home.
  正:This holiday isn’t much fun;we might as well be back home.
  析:虽然有的词典将 funny 的词义注为“有趣的”,但它的实际意思其实是 amusing,causing laughter,即它所表示的有趣实际上是一种滑稽可笑的有趣,如:a funny story 一个滑稽可笑的故事。由此可见,上例中用 funny 显然不合原意。
  58. 十八世纪是小说的黄金时期。
  误:The 18th century was the gold age of the novel.
  正:The 18th century was the golden age of the novel.
  析:gold 和 golden 用于名词前作定语时的原则是:gold 主要表示“金质的”,也可表示“金色的”;用于比喻义表示“宝贵的”“黄金般的”等义时,习惯上要用 golden。(编辑 周贞雄)
