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  摘要 為了在颐和园开展春季花粉浓度的精细化预报,更好地指导游客进行自我防护,从而降低花粉过敏症的发病率,利用Burkard-HIRST型孢子捕捉仪和Phenom ProX全自动台式扫描电子显微镜对2018年春季颐和园气传树木花粉种类和浓度的变化规律进行了研究。结果表明,春季最低气温稳定超过0 ℃,最高气温稳定超过15 ℃,颐和园的柏科、榆科和杨柳科树木将进入盛花期。春季昆明湖南岸和北岸的气传花粉日平均浓度各有2个峰值,第1个峰值出现在3月下旬;第2个峰值出现在4月下旬。在第1个峰值期间,昆明湖北岸的花粉浓度高于南岸,此时北岸的花粉种类主要为柏科树木花粉,所占比例达96.98%;而南岸主要为柏科、杨柳科和榆科树木花粉,所占比例分别为59.98%、27.22%和10.92%。在第2个峰值期间,南岸的花粉浓度高于北岸,此时北岸的花粉种类主要为桑科和松科树木花粉,所占比例分别为66.28%和32.88%;而南岸则主要为桑科树木花粉,所占比例达97.59%。3月下旬和4月下旬,昆明湖南岸逐时花粉浓度平均值表现为12:00前后低,0:00前后高;而昆明湖北岸则表现为12:00前后高,0:00前后低。颐和园昆明湖北岸春季花粉日平均浓度的最高值出现在3月下旬,逐时浓度平均值的最高值出现在12:00前后,贡献率最大的为柏科树木花粉;颐和园昆明湖南岸春季花粉日平均浓度的最高值出现在4月下旬,逐时浓度平均值的最高值出现在0:00前后,贡献率最大的为桑科树木花粉。
  关键词 颐和园;气传树木花粉;飞散规律;花粉浓度;花粉种类
  中图分类号 S718.5  文献标识码 A
  文章编号 0517-6611(2020)05-0117-06
  Abstract The aim of this work is to fine forecast the pollen amount in the air of the Summer Palace,guide tourists to protect themselves,and then reduce the incidence of hay fever.With Burkard (Hirsttype) volumetric spore traps and Phenom ProX desktop scanning electron microscope (SEM),the dispersal regularity of airborne tree pollens in different locations of the Summer Palace in the spring of 2018 were studied.The results showed that when the daily minimum and maximum temperatures were above 0 and 15 ℃ continuously,respectively,the trees of Cupressaceae,Ulmaceae and Salicaceae in the Summer Palace began to put forth their blossoms substantially.There were two peaks of pollen concentration in the air of both south and north coast of the Kunming Lake,which occurred in the last ten days of March and April,respectively.In the March peak,the daily average pollen concentration of north coast was higher than that of south coast.The dominant pollens in the air of north coast were Cupressaceae,accounting for 96.98% of the total amount of this period,and that of south coast were Cupressaceae,Ulmaceae and Salicaceae,accounting for 59.98%,27.22% and 10.92%,respectively.In the April peak,the daily average pollen concentration of south coast was higher than that of north coast.The dominant pollens in the air of north coast was Moraceae and Pinaceae,accounting for 66.28% and 32.88% of the total amount of this period,respectively,and that of south coast were Moraceae,accounting for 97.59%.The peak and trough of hourly average airborne pollen concentration in the air of south coast in the last ten days of March and April occurred around 0:00 and 12:00,respectively,but that of north coast occurred around 12:00 and 0:00,respectively.The peak of daily average pollen concentration of north coast of the Kunming Lake occurred in the last ten days of March,and that of hourly average airborne pollen concentration occurred around 12:00 with Cupressaceae pollens as the dominant ones.The peak of daily average pollen concentration of south coast of the Kunming Lake occurred in the last ten days of April,and that of hourly average airborne pollen concentration occurred around 0:00 with Moraceae pollens as the dominant ones.