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  摘 要: 定积分是微积分中的重要内容,它是解决许多实际问题的重要工具。本文重点解析了定积分在数学、物理学等学科的具体应用。并用一些具体的例子对这些问题做出了详尽的解析。
  关键词:定积分 概念 物理 几何
  Abstract:Definite integral is a key part of college mathematics knowledge, and focuses on content of the postgraduate entrance examination, this article is aimed at the concept of the definite integral and its application in mathematics, geometry, physics and other subjects did focus on analysis.And with some specific examples, made a detailed analysis about these problems.
  Keywords: Definite integral;equations; physical; geometry
  中图分类号:O172.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-9082(2016)06-0116-02
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  作者简介:李玉萍(1971- )副教授,硕士,研究方向为数学教学论。