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as well as用法小结

来源:用户上传      作者: 顾红兵

  在英语中as well as的用途广泛,使用频率非常高,是各类英语考试的重点和难度。为了便于英语学习者能够更好地理解和掌握该词,现将其主要用法小结归纳如下。
  在英语中,as well as通常作为复合并列连词,用来连接两个并列的成分,如名词、形容词、动词、介词,通常不位于句首。相当于not only...but also...,表示“不但……而且……”,“既……又……”。因此,它们通常可以互换,但是值得注意的是,as well as在具体的语句中强调的是前一项,后一项只是顺便提及。因此在连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前一项一致;翻译时要先译后面,再译前面。而用not only...but also...连接时,谓语动词与后一项一致。例如:
  1)Your wife as well as you is friendly to me.=Not only you but also your wife is friendly to me.不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。
  2)He is a statesman as well as a scholar.=He is not only a scholar but also a statesman.他不仅是一位学者,而且是一位政治家。
  3)He has experience as well as skill.=He has not only skill but also experience.他不仅有技术,而且有经验。
  另外,在连接主语时,其谓语动词的人称和数应与放在as well as之前的名词或代词保持一致。例如:Mary as well as I has been to the Great Wall.我和玛丽去过长城。
  但是,有时即使as well as前面一个成分为单数,其后的谓语也可能用复数,尤其是当as well as后面一个成分比较长且该结构没有用逗号隔开时。例如:His appearance as well as his strange way of talking make me suspicious.他的外表以及他那奇怪的谈吐引起我的怀疑。
  而在as well as连接的两个并列的语法单位也要对称。例如:
  1)She as well as I is very fond of physics.不仅我,她也非常喜欢物理。(连接两个作主语的代词)
  2)We went to the museum as well as the zoo.我们去了动物园,还去了博物馆。(连接两个作宾语的名词)
  3)The child is lively as well as healthy.这孩子既健康又活泼。(连接两个作表语的形容词)
  4)We shall travel by night as well as by day.我们将日夜兼程。(连接两个作状语的介词短语)
  as well as有时并不作为一个整体的并列连词,而是一个以“as...as”形式出现的比较结构,意思是“和……一样好”。在这个结构中,第一个as是副词,修饰well,第二个as是连词,与第一个as相呼应,引导一个比较状语从句,表示同级比较。例如:
  1)He speaks Spanish as well as English.他说西班牙语像说英语一样好。(注意:这句话的语意的重点依旧在前部,不在后半部。)
  2)She doesn’t speak as well as her friend,but her writing is excellent.她没有她朋友说得好,但她的笔头很好。
  3)John plays football as well as,if not better than,David.约翰足球即使踢得不比大卫更好,也和他一样好。
  4)He can operate the machine as well as I do.他操作这台机器和我一样熟练。
  1.as well as连接两个动词时,在时态上要注意以下几种情况。
  (1)如果as well as前面的动词是can,may,must等情态动词时,那么其后面的动词即可省去助动词或情态动词,即用动词原形,此时,as well as意为“既……又……”。例如:
  1)She can/could sing as well as dance.她既会跳舞也会唱歌。
  2)You ought to play games,as well as study books.你应该读书,也应该参加运动。
  3)She can draw as well as write.她既会写又会画。
  (2)当谓语是完成体结构或含有完成体结构,或者是被动语态结构时,as well as之后的动词应该用过去分词。例如:
  1)He has given me some advice as well as answered my question.他不仅回答了我的问题,而且还给了我一些建议。
  2)Bodies can be compressed as well as stretched.物体能被拉伸,也能被压缩。
  (3)当谓语是进行体结构或含有进行体结构时,as well as之后的动词也应用现在分词。例如:
  1)She is doing her washing as well as listening to the radio.她在收听收音机,同时又在洗衣服。
  2)We are repairing the roof as well as painting the walls.我们在粉刷墙壁,同时也在修理屋顶。
  3)They must be looking at the letter as well as talking about it.他们肯定在阅读信件,并谈论其内容。
  (4)如果谓语是一般现在时或一般过去时,as well as之后的动词形式可与前面保持一致,也可用动名词形式。例如:
  1)He publishes as well as prints(或者printing)his own books.他的书是自己印刷并出版的。
  2)Heavy smoking runs away with your money,as well as being bad for your health.抽烟抽得多,既浪费金钱,又对健康不利。
  (5)如果第一个动词是不定式,as well as后面的动词也要用不定式,但通常要去掉to。例如:
  1)You can’t expect her to do the housework as well as look after the children.你不可能叫她既照管孩子又做家务。
  2)He seemed to understand human nature as well as do science.他不但懂科学,而且看来也通人情。
  3)A museum should aim to entertain as well as educate.博物馆不仅要具有教育性而且还要具有娱乐性。

  (6)当as well as引导的动词短语位于句首时,其后一般只能接动名词形式。这里的as well as用作介词,相当于besides,意为“除……之外”例如:
  1)As well as eating five dishes,they drank three bottles of wine.除了五道菜外,他们还喝了三瓶酒。
  2)As well as visiting the old man,he helped to clean the room.除看望老人外,他还帮助打扫房间。
  3)As well as walking,he likes fishing and shooting.他除散步之外还喜欢钓鱼和打猎。
  4)As well as getting on everybody’s nerves,he’s got a habit of borrowing money and forgetting to pay it back.他使得人人都感到心烦,此外,他还有个习惯,就是借了钱就忘了还。
  5)As well as breaking his leg,he hurt his arm.他不但摔断了腿,而且伤了胳膊。
  as well as用于肯定结构和否定结构中,其意义不同。as well as和not搭配使用,as well as位于not前时,两者均否定;位于not后时,否定前者,肯定后者。例如:
  1)George,as well as his brother,has gone abroad.乔治和他兄弟一样都出国了。
  2)George hasn’t gone abroad as well as his brother.乔治并没有和他兄弟一样出国去。(他兄弟一人出国)
  3)George,as well as his brother,hasn’t gone abroad.乔治和他兄弟都没有出国。
  3.要注意与as well的差别。
  这一对短语仅差一字之微,意义相近,故很易引起混淆。as well as和as well都有“也;还”之意,但是as well as是连词,连接两个并列成分;as well是副词,意为“又;另外也”,相当于too,它一般放在句末,其后不跟什么成分,有时和连词and或but搭配使用。例如:
  1)Give me those as well.把那些也给我吧。
  2)He is a worker,and a poet as well.他是工人,但也是诗人。
  3)He sent me a letter and some money as well.他寄给我一封信,外加一些钱。
  4)China possesses enormous quantities of coal and is rich in other minerals as well.中国拥有大量煤炭,其他的矿藏也很丰富。
  5)Mr.Liu can speak English,but he can speak Cantonese as well.刘先生会说英语,但他也能讲广东话。
  4.注意as well as需和and连用的情况。
  当as well as连接3个或者3个以上的并列成分的时候,我们需要用“A and B as well as C”的形式,不可以说“A,B as well as C”。例如:
  A survey has shown that the states Californians most readily identify by their shapes are Californian itself,Alaska,Texas,Florida,and Michigan.或者A survey has shown that the states Californians most readily identify by their shapes are Californian itself,Alaska,Texas,and Florida as well as Michigan.(请注意标点符号)研究表明,在州的地理形成上加州人最先识别出的是加州本身、阿拉斯加、得克萨斯、佛罗里达和密歇根州。
  5.注意as well as有时会引起歧义句。
  (1)使用“as well as”的时候,还应注意表达的意思要清楚,不能含糊不清,否则会引发歧义。例如:He can speak French as well as English.
  此句可以理解成“他会说英语,也会说法语”,也可理解成“他说法语能说得像英语一样好”。如果是第二种意思,最好译为:He speaks French as well as he speaks English.又如:
  1)She cooks as well as her mother.不但她妈妈的烹饪技术好,她的(烹饪技术)也不错。
  2)She cooks as well as her mother does.她的烹饪技术和她妈妈一样好。
  (2)注意as well as后面所接的人称代词而引起的歧义。
  值得我们要注意的是,as well as连接的人称代词既可以是主格也可以是宾格,但句意不同。例如:
  1)They have invited you as well as me.他们邀请了我,也邀请了你。(you和me都作invited的宾语)
  2)They have invited you as well as I.他们和我一样都邀请了你。(they和I都作invited的主语)
  1)She called on you as well as I.不但我来看你,她也拜访了你。
  2)She called on you as well as me.她不但拜访了我,也拜访了你。
  以上例子中as well as后面所接的人称代词的宾格和主格不是通一个词,所以很容易区分和理解其在句子中的意思。但是当人称代词的宾格和主格是同一个单词的时候,就很容易引起歧义或误解。例如:I respect her as well as you.我们知道,you在句子中既可以用作主语,又可以作宾语;既可以用作复数,又可以作单数理解。如果就单凭这样的一句话,而没有上下文或其他更多的信息作补充说明的话,就会很容易产生歧义,从而造成理解上的困难。因此,我们只有结合上下文及具体的语境才能正确判断和理解这里的“you” 所指的具体含义和内容。
  5.注意A as well as B的结构中,不是在任何情况下都强调A。
  as well as用作并列连词,普遍流行的一种见解认为:as well as用作并列连词时,虽然连接的是两个并列部分,但其重点在前者,不在后者。所以翻译时,通常应先译as well as之后的词,然后再译它之前的词。例如:I as well as they am ready to help you.不仅他们愿意帮助你,我也愿意帮助你。
  但是,很多情况并非如此。例如我们上面提到的一个例子:Heavy smoking runs away with your money,as well as being bad for your health.抽烟抽得多,既浪费金钱,又对健康不利。
  按照逻辑推理,人的健康肯定比金钱重要,所以很显然这句话,作者强调的是as well as后面的“健康”,而不是前面的“金钱”。由此可见,当as well as用作并列连词时,究竟是强调前者还是强调后者,必须根据上下文来判断。
  1)Air,as well as water,is needed to make plants grow.空气和水都是植物生长所必需的。
  2)In China women enjoy equal rights with men in political life as well as in family life.中国的妇女在政治和家庭生活中享有和男人同等的权利。
  [2]郭俊芳.as well as的用法小结[J].中小学英语教学与研究,2007,(2):69-70.
  [3]刘宏.as well as的用法[J].中小学英语教学与研究,200,(9):66-69.
  [4]李也白.正确使用as well as[J].中小学英语教学与研究,2004,(4):58-59.
