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  A vice-mammary gland wetting quality drive pipe cancer example
  Liu Qingbo Yang ShangdongMengChao
  【Abstract】The vice-breast the Chindu breast is also abnormal, is the embryo primitive mammary gland original basis growth becomes. Its formation rate is 1%-6%, the men and women all may occur, the female is more than the male, has the heredity, the vice-breast sends in the armpit front place, may simultaneously have the nipple, the areola, the mammary gland, may also only have its one, the vice-breast may have the cancer, but the premise is must have the mammary gland gland organization, has the vice-breast which the gland organizes is also one kind the sex hormone influence reproductive organ, any causes the breast cancer factor to be possible to initiate the vice-breast’s cancer, vice-breast cancer common clinical is in has the vice-breast’s spot to present the body surface tumour, before the morbidity, many not obvious symptoms, when receives a medical examination many late, moreover as a result ofThe breast good sends in the Lymphatic tissue rich armpit area and the regio inguinalis, the proliferation which and the shift the cancer organizes is quite early, causes time this sickness discovery has been inⅡTime orⅣThe time prognosis is bad.
  【Key words】Vice-mammary gland; Drive pipe cancer
