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  【摘 要】 目的:探討影响无偿献血者再次献血的相关因素及招募策略。方法:在2016年7月至2018年9月期间无偿献血者600例作研究对象:将献血一次后未再次献血者设为对照组(n=351),将再次献血者设为研究组(n=249);应用问卷调查方式分析无偿献血知识掌握情况、献血意愿和动机对无偿献血者再次献血的影响,采取统计学软件比较临床数据,并对此提出无偿献血招募策略。结果:①研究组献血者中具有自愿无偿献血意愿者比率高于对照组(x2=18.216,P=0.000),拒绝再次无偿献血意愿的比率低于对照组(x2=25.088,P=0.000),②研究组中因方便自己用血、单位规定而作无偿献血者献血行为者比率低于对照组(x2=51.595、40.781,P=0.000),因社会荣誉而献血者比率高于对照组(x2=44.124,P=0.000);③研究组献血中有无偿献血不影响健康、得知无需进补、知道献血隔半年认知者比率高于对照组(x2=6.144、6.588、7.939,P=0.065),而知道自我排除者比率低于对照组(x2=66.559,P=0.000)。结论:无偿献血知识掌握情况、献血意愿和动机均可影响无偿献血者再次献血,加强无偿献血相关知识宣教、保留主要献血团体,对于招募无偿献血队伍有重大裨益。
  【关键词】 无偿献血;再次献血;相关因素;招募策略;知识宣教
  Abstract Objective:to explore the related factors and recruitment strategies affecting the second blood donation of unpaid blood donors. Methods: from July 2016 to September 2018, 600 cases of unpaid blood donors were studied. Those who did not donate blood again after the first donation were set as the control group (n=351), and those who donated blood again were set as the research group (n=249). Questionnaire survey was used to analyze the influence of knowledge, willingness and motivation of blood donation on the second blood donation of unpaid blood donors. Statistical software was used to compare clinical data, and the recruitment strategy of unpaid blood donation was proposed. Results: (1) the ratio of the team in a voluntary unpaid blood donors to blood donation willingness is higher than the control group (2 = 18.216, P = 0.000), refused to the will of unpaid blood donation again ratio is lower than the control group (2 = 25.088, P = 0.000), (2) convenient for their blood, unit in team, and the ratio of unpaid blood donors blood donation behavior is lower than the control group (2 = 51.595, 40.781, P = 0.000), blood donors by social honor ratio is higher than the control group (2 = 44.124, P = 0.000). (3) In the study group, the percentages of those who donated blood without compensation without affecting their health, knew that they did not need supplement and knew that the interval between half a year was higher than those in the control group. (x2=6.144, 6.588, 7.939, P=0.065),The rate of knowing self-exclusion was lower than that of the control group (x2=66.559, P=0.000). Conclusion:the knowledge of blood donation without compensation, willingness and motivation of blood donation can all influence unpaid blood donors to donate blood again. Strengthening the education of knowledge related to blood donation without compensation and retaining the main blood donation groups are of great benefit to the recruitment of unpaid blood donation teams.   Key words:voluntary blood donation; Second blood donation; Related factors; Recruitment strategy; Knowledge education
  1 资料与方法
  1.1 临床资料 纳入無偿献血者600例作研究对象,纳入时间是2016年7月至2018年9月,将其按照献血后第1年内有无再次献血行为分成对照组、研究组,分别是351例、249例。其中,对照组献血者为献血一次后未再次献血者:男175例,女176例;年龄为18~54岁,平均年龄为(37.49±4.87)岁;文化程度:小学64例,中学153例,大学134例;研究组献血者为献血一次后再次献血者:男91例,女90例;年龄为20~54岁,平均年龄为(37.79±4.35)岁;文化程度:小学33例,中学120例,大学28例;两组献血者除献血后第1年内献血行为不通过,其余资料信息如年龄、文化程度和性别分布等均保持了同质性(P>0.05)。
  1.2 研究方法 应用问卷调查方式,掌握献血者基本信息、献血过程中的感受、献血意愿、献血动机,获得相关数据,采取统计学软件包20.0进行统计。本研究共发放问卷600份,回收问卷600分,回收率100.00%,且全部问卷均填写有效。
  1.3 统计学方法 SPSS20.0统计学软件包,统计学差异表示为P<0.05:(%)行x2检验。
  2 结果
  2.1 无偿献血意愿对无偿献血者献血行为影响 研究组献血者中具有自愿无偿献血意愿者比率高于对照组,拒绝再次无偿献血意愿的比率低于对照组(P<0.05),而2组在被同伴激励组团献血意愿上的比率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),详见表1.
  2.2 无偿献血动机对无偿献血者献血行为影响 研究组中因方便自己用血、单位规定而作无偿献血者献血行为者比率低于对照组,因社会荣誉而献血者比率高于对照组(P<0.05),而在奉献爱心方面的比率无统计学差异(P>0.05),详见表2.
  2.3 无偿献血知识掌握程度对无偿献血者献血行为影响 研究组献血中有无偿献血不影响健康、得知无需进补、知道献血隔半年认知者比率高于对照组,而知道自我排除者比率低于对照组,比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),详见表2.
  3 讨论
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