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  摘要:为了探究木醋液的抑菌活性,以杂木木醋液为原料,对其进行基本理化性质的测定,采用静置结合活性炭吸附法精制粗木醋液,用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对比粗木醋液与精制木醋液成分的差别。将精制木醋液分别用稀释法、中和法、蒸馏法、萃取法4种方法处理,确定木醋液有效的抑菌时间和试验最佳观察时间。精制和处理的木醋液用于抑菌试验,研究精制后的木醋液、调节pH的木醋液、稀释木醋液、减压蒸馏木醋液、萃取木醋液对霉菌的抑菌效果的影响。结果表明,木醋液中主要成分是酸类、酚类、酮类和醇类,对于霉菌的有效抑菌时间是48 h,最低抑菌浓度为V精制木醋液∶V灭菌水=1∶20,最佳pH为4,减压蒸馏最宜温度60 ℃,最佳萃取剂是乙酸乙酯。
  中图分类号:S482.2         文献标识码:A
  Abstract: To explore the antibacterial activity of wood vinegar, the wood vinegar of serayah was used as raw materials to measure the basic physical and chemical properties. The crude wood vinegar was refined by static adsorption combined with activated carbon adsorption. The difference between the crude wood vinegar and the purified wood vinegar was compared by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer(GC-MS) and the purified wood vinegar were disposed of dilution, neutralization, distillation and extraction, respectively. It was determined on effective antibacterial time and the best observation time of the wood vinegar through experiments. The purified and disposed wood vinegar was used for bacteriostatic experiments. The bacteriostatic effects of wood vinegar were studied on mildew in different treatment conditions which were purification, pH regulating, dilution, decompression distillation and extraction, respectively. The results showed that the main components were acids, phenols, ketones and alcohols in wood vinegar and the effective antibacterial time was 48 h for mildew. The minimum bacteriostatic concentration was Vrefined wood vinegar∶Vsterilized water=1∶20, and the optimum pH was 4. The appropriate temperature of decompression distillation was 60 ℃ and the best extraction solvent was ethyl acetate.
  Key words: serayah; wood vinegar; component analysis; antibacterial activity
  1  材料与方法
  1.1  供试材料
  菌种为青霉菌(Penicillium sp)、米曲霉菌(Aspergillus oryzae),由中国微生物菌种保藏管理委员会普通微生物中心提供。
  1.2  仪器与试剂
  1.2.1  仪器  GC-MS6800型气相色谱-质谱联用仪、KQ118型超声波清洗器、DZK-C型数显恒温水浴锅、PGX-150A型智能光照培养箱、VD-650型桌上式净化工作台、LDZX-50型立式压力蒸气灭菌器、SHZ-DⅢ型循环水真空泵、RE52CS型旋转蒸发器、PHS-3C型酸度计。