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上好英语复习课 让学生温故而“知新”

来源:用户上传      作者: 沈 洁

  4A Unit 7 I’m late教师在引导学生对主要句型What’s the time? It’s... 和What time do you...? I... at...进行一系列复习后,继续提问,激活学生的英语思维。
  T: Hi, A. What’s this?
  A: It’s a football.
  T: Do you like football?
  A: Yes, I do.
  T: Me, too. Do you play football in the afternoon?
  A: Yes, I do.
  T: What time do you play football?
  A: I play football at three fifteen.
  T: I see. Let’s play football together next time.
  A: OK.
  句型What time do you...? Do you like...?是4A教材中的重点学习内容,play football, play the violin为3B教材教学内容,两者混合运用把旧的知识变“活”了。不仅活跃了学生思维,培养了创新意识,又发展了语言的综合运用能力。老师在复习时要注意引导学生将分散的知识点进行系统的整理、归纳和对比,并在此基础上进行纵向、横向串联,做到学一点,懂一片,学一片,会一面。
  本课复习的内容是4A Unit 9 What’s the matter?教师在带领学生进行一系列热身运动后,操练了What’s the matter? I’m... Here’s ... for you.等句型。
  T: Just we ate a lot and drank a lot. Are you hungry and thirsty?
  Ss: No, we’re not.
   T: Are you happy?
  Ss: Yes, we’re happy.
  T: But there is a little girl, she is not happy. Look, who is she?
  Ss: She is 卖火柴的小女孩。
  T: Yes, she’s Little Match Girl. Why isn’t she happy? Let’s ask her.(课件出现小女孩饿的图片,学生与电脑进行人机对话。)
  Ss: What’s the matter?
  Computer: I’m hungry.
  Ss: Here’s a hamburger for you.
  Computer: Thank you.
  T: Thank you, children. You’re so kind. But Little Match Girl is still not happy. Look, what’s the matter with her?(课件出现小女孩冷的图片。)
  新授句型What’s the matter with her? She’s...
  T: Look at this boy. What’s the matter with him?课件出示三毛图片,引导学生用He’s ...来表达。课件继续出示其他图片,学习What’s the matter with them? They’re...的表达方式,学生跟老师朗读句型。
  复习的目的旨在巩固所学的内容,帮助学生进一步梳理知识,引导学生以少驭多,以不变应万变,能举一反三,触类旁通,达到“温故而知新”的目的。复习课一味沿用旧材料会给人“炒冷饭”的感觉,教者要以旧带新,如提供与本单元话题相近的句型、短文,作为补充。这样学生不仅会有耳目一新的感觉,又开阔了视野,提高了能力。本课在复习中生成的新知What’s the matter with...?He’s/She’s/They’re...是课本句型What’s the matter?I’m...的派生,在日常生活中运用非常广泛,学生习得此句型能大大地丰富语言输出,提高交际的能力。
