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  【关键词】阑尾;切除术;分析A line of two appendectomy example
  Liu Chunyuan
  【Abstract】In the technique the cascade separates carefully, achieves dissects analyzes each level clearly demarcated clear; After entering the abdomen, separates, the ligation adhesion organization, reveals the appendix root after the careful separation, the appendix forehead hides after the caecum the position, exposes with difficulty. Then goes against the flow the excision, the remnant end uses the carbolic acid, the ethyl alcohol, the physiological saline lint ball to wipe the conventional embedding separately in turn, is the membrane branches out the forehead along the appendix, whether there is the inspection excision organizes the lumen, and integrity, whether to conform to appendix’s characteristic, avoids omitting.
  【Key words】Appendix; Excision method; Analysis
