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  关键词: 癌症 恐惧 心理 治疗
  1.1 昏厥:当有些患者见到CT报告或其它检验报告证实自己患上了癌症时,会立即昏厥(昏死)过去,但不会就此立即死亡。
  1.2 绝望:整天表现为频死状!好象死亡就在即日,内心极度恐惧!极度悲伤。
  1.3 自暴自弃:不配合医生的治疗,甚至放弃治疗坐在家中等死。
  1.4 行为怪异:自言自语,整天长吁短叹,老天爷啊,为什么我这么年轻为什么就患了这种不治之绝症。老天爷啊,为什么我这么年轻你就要我的命?厌食甚至绝食。
  1.5 求生欲:比任何时候都觉得生命的宝贵!为了不想死,什么样的治疗都愿意接受,其中包括迷信,什么样的药物及食物都愿意吃。
  2.1 早死!意志薄弱,内心恐惧的人一旦患上了癌症会迅速死亡!其生存期明显低于性格乐观、开朗的人。
  2.2 不配合医生的治疗,使治疗难度加大。
  2.3 乱投医,有些人患上癌症后不惜重金请高人、名医医治。不惜重金购买各种名贵药材、秘方、偏方来治疗。一些江湖人士趁机鼓吹自己有多么、多么的能干!手中有秘方,偏方可以治疗该病,要患者花重金去购买结果闹得一个人财两空的下场。
  4.1心释――方法:要患者每天以最悲伤的心理哭诉 20―30min。作用:可使患者悲伤、恐惧的气氛释放出来,以达到吐故纳新的作用。
  4.2踏步――方法:要患者象运动员训练一样,每天原地踏步 30―40min.作用:一、可锻炼身体;二、可转移患者的思绪,忘记自己是一个癌症患者,以增强患者抗击癌症的信心。
  Treatment for Patients’ Fear of Cancer
  1. Fan Zhihua, Hangzhou Fan Zhihua Medical Technology Development Co. Ltd, 310012
  2. Chen Shaoyan, Hangzhou Qianjiang Hospital
  3. Xu Jianbin, Department of Pathology Research, Fuzhou Medical College of Nanchang University
  4. Zhao Wenqiang, No.2 Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine of Nanchang
  Keywords: Cancer fear treatment
  Cancer is a scourge to mankind, which is also the No. 1 killer. Weak mind and fear can make cancers more difficult to cure and will lead to premature deaths. Almost every cancer patient can suffer from psychological problems. Therefore, psycho treatment is very important for a cancer patient, which can alleviate their fear, improve their life quality, and extend their lives.
  1. Common signs of fear
  1.1 Fainting: When some patients see their CT report or other inspection reports, which confirm their cancer, they can immediately faint away (get a coma), but will not pass away at that time.
  1.2 Despair: Some patients act like they were on the brink of death, as if they were suffering from impending death. Their heart is full of fear and sadness.
  1.3 Self abandon: some patients don’t do under the doctors’ instructions. Some of them even give up their medical treatment and go back home, awaiting death.
  1.4 Strange behavior: some patients will talk to himself and sigh all day, and say “Ah God, why it was me to suffer from such an incurable disease? Ah God, why you have to take my life at such a young age?” They may get anorexia and even refuse to eat anything.
  1.5 Will for survival: some patients may think that life is more precious than any time before! They have strong will for survival. They would resort to any treatment, including superstitious means and whatever food and medicine.
  2. The harmfulness of fear
  2.1 Premature death! Weak-minded people who are full of fear would have a rapid death. Their lives are significantly shorter than those optimistic and resilient patients.
  2.2 Some patients with fear don’t follow the doctors’ instructions, which makes treatments more difficult.
  2.3 Some patients will try anything when they get cancer. They will spare no expense on doctors, rare herbs, nostrums, and folk remedies. Some quacks often take this opportunity to advertise themselves. They claim that they have secret recipes which can cure cancer. Actually, in most cases it ends that the patients spend a lot of money, and still die.
  3. Psycho treatments
  Currently, there is no good ways worldwide to cure cancer, and cancer remains incurable. Once people confirm that they get cancer, they would show certain level of fear. Due to patients’ different psychological quality, their sympotoms also vary from person to person. Sometimes drug therapy don’t work, and psychologcial problems often afflict the patients. Therefore, psycho treatment is often applied to clinical treatment. And it really works. Psycho treatment can improve patients’ life quality and extend their lives. It can play an auxiliary role in the clinical treatment of cancer patients.
  4. Treatment
  4.1 Releasing method: Let cancer patients sob out their despair and sadness for 20-30 mins every day. Function: It enables patients to release their sadness and fear. Thus they can get rid of the negative thinkings and take in positive ones.
  4.2 Stepping Method: Let patients mark time for 30-40 mins a day, like training of athletes. Function: First, it can build up the body; Second, it can distract the patients’ attention, and let them forget they are cancer patients. Thus boost their faith in fighting against cancer.
   4.3 Entertainment Method: Patients are advised to play chess, the game of go, or bridge etc. for 2-3 hours a day. Function: it can distract the patients’ attention and let them relax their mind and body, thus they can forget they are cancer patients.
   4.4 Film and TV Methods: Patients are advised to watch TV or films for 2 - 3 hours a day. They can choose some disaster and war Films. Function: Such films can indicate the patients that in this world there are more miserable things than their diseases. Thus, it can distract their attention and boost their faith to fight against disease.
   4.5 Work Method: Treat patients as normal people. And let them do some physical work. Function: it can alleviate patients’ fear.
   4.6 Counting Method: Make patients count numbers every day. Function: Counting numbers is the most effective way to forget oneself. It can allow patients forget all the troubles and pains they have and thus ease their psychological fear.
   The above treatments should be applied to patients depending on their real situation. You can choose some treatments from the list. Don’t work recklessly. For those who are on the danger list, don’t use work method.
