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  [摘要] 目的 探讨支气管扩张的有效辅助治疗方法。方法 方便选择该院2018年1—6月收治的60例支气管扩张伴有肺部感染患者作为实验对象;将60例支气管扩张患者随机分为体外震动排痰仪观察组和单用传统常规疗法对照组。两组病例均给予抗菌药物、祛痰、雾化吸入等治疗,观察组辅助应用体外震动排痰仪佐以排痰,1周后观察两组患者疗效。 结果 治疗1周后,观察组患者血常规恢复正常时间为(5.12±1.20)d,明显少于对照组的(7.10±2.33)d;观察组患者住院天数为(7.26±2.30)d,明显少于对照组患者的(12.60±3.12)d,以上数据对比差异有统计学意义(t=4.138,7.546,P<0.05)。觀察组患者总有效率为93.33%,明显高于对照组73.33%的总有效率,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.320,P<0.05)。观察组患者、对照组患者均没有出现明显不良反应情况。 结论 在传统治疗的基础上加用体外排痰仪辅助排痰疗效较好,无明显不良反应。
  [关键词] 体外震动排痰仪; 支气管扩张;疗效
  [Abstract] Objective To explore the effective adjuvant treatment of bronchiectasis. Methods Sixty patients with bronchiectasis and pulmonary infection treated in the hospital from January to June 2018 were conveniently selected as experimental subjects. Sixty patients with bronchiectasis were randomly divided into the observation group of external sputum excretion meter and the traditional conventional single-use routine therapy as control group. The two groups of patients were given antibacterial drugs, expectorants, aerosolized inhalation and other treatments. The observation group was assisted with an external vibration sputum meter and sputum was expelled. The efficacy of the two groups was observed one week later. Results After one week of treatment, the time for the blood routine to return to normal in the observation group was (5.12±1.20)d, which was significantly less than that in the control group(7.10±2.33)d. The number of hospital stays in the observation group was (7.26±2.30)d, significantly less than the control group (12.60±3.12)d, the above data had a statistically significant difference(t=4.138,7.546,P<0.05). The total effective rate of patients in the observation group was 93.33%, which was significantly higher than the total effective rate of 73.33% in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant(χ2=4.320,P<0.05). There were no obvious adverse reactions in the observation group and the control group. Conclusion In addition to the traditional treatment, the use of an external sputum extraction device to assist sputum excretion has better curative effect, and there are no obvious adverse reactions.
  [Key words] External vibration expectoration device; Bronchiectasis; Curative effect
  支气管扩张是一种常见的慢性支气管疾病。其基本病变是支气管壁及其周围组织的慢性炎症,导致一支或多支支气管管壁损坏、扭曲变形和不可逆的扩张,支气管黏膜的破坏,纤毛缺损,排列错序及排痰能力下降等[1-3]。传统的治疗方法是应用抗感染药物,止咳化痰,配合体位引流等,但由于反复地支气管扩张感染造成支气管管的堵塞,继而支气管扭曲、扩张、纤毛粘液排痰系统功能的明显减退等因素,使传统的治疗方法疗程长,疗效差[4-6]。该院自2018年1—6月在应用传统治疗方法的基础上联合震动排痰仪器和单用传统常规疗法治疗60例观察临床疗效,目前治疗效果尚理想,现报道如下。   1  资料与方法
  1.1  一般资料
  1.2  纳入标准
  1.3  排除标准
  1.4  方法
  所有患者均采用传统治疗支气管扩张方案治疗,观察组联合震动排痰仪排痰。观察组在常规治疗基础上加用体外震动排痰仪辅助治疗。使用深圳普门科技有限公司生产的PV-100型高频震动排痰系统。患者取半坐位,采取自动模式,穿戴排痰背心。将排痰背心通过空气导管与主机连接,选择“自动排痰”界面,选择治疗模式,震动频率为20 CPS,时间为15 min/次,1次/d,7 d为1个疗程。
  1.5  观察指标
  1.6  疗效评价标准
  1.7  统计方法
  采用SPSS 17.0统计学软件分析数据。计量资料采用(x±s)表示,采用t检验;计数资料用频数和百分比(%)表示,采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
  2  结果
  3  討论
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