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  【关键词】反意疑问句  英语  教学
  【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2019)15-0108-02
  To learn English is very useful in the future, isn’t it?
  Eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away, doesn’t it?
   One can’t be anything he wants, can one/you/he?
   One should do his best to study hard ,shouldn’t one/you/ he?
  3.当主句的主语是everyone,everybody, anyone, anybody, some?鄄
  one, somebody, no one, nobody等指人的不定代词时,反意疑问部分的主语用they, 也可用he。如:
  Someone is knocking the door, aren’t they/isn’t he?
  Nobody can’t work out the question, can they/can he?
  1.当主句部分带有hardly, hardly ever, scarcely, barely, rarely, seldom, few, little, no, nothing, no one等词时,反意疑问部分用肯定形式。如:
  He seldom went on a trip alone, did he?
   Nothing can stop him going to school, can it?
   The old man is unhappy today, isn’t he?
   They disliked playing football in the past, didn’t they?
  Tom has got a soccer ball, hasn’t he?(英式英语)
  You have an English book, don’t you?(美式英语)
  2.当主句含有“have to”表示“不得不,必须”时,反意疑问的用do/ does/ did如:
   Students have to finish their homework, don’t they?
   He has to get up early to catch the first bus, doesn’t he?
  1.当主句部分是I wish句型时,附加疑问部分用may I。如:
  I wish to come to your party, may I?
  I wish I were a bird flying in the sky, may I?
  2.当主句是I am时,反意疑问句用am I not/aren’t  I。如:
  I am a girl, am I not?
  I am very cool, am I not?
  (1)肯定祈使句的反意疑问句用will you,won’t you, can you, can’t you, could you,would you等表示“请求”“建议”“客气”“邀请”“不耐烦”等意思。如:
  Stop talking about it again and again, will you/can you/can’t you?(表厌烦)
   Come into the house and have tea with us, can you?(表邀请)
  (2)否定的祈使句,附加疑问部分用will you。例如:
  Don’t throw things everywhere, will you?
  Don’t make noise because your sister is sleeping, will you?
  1.在英语中,还有一类特殊反意疑问句,我们称之为“同向反意疑问句”或“非反意附加疑问句”即“肯定+肯定”或“否定+否定”,它们通常用oh或so等带有感情色彩的词语开头,并且常常 带有弦外之音,表“惊奇”“愤怒”“威胁”等强烈的感情色彩。如:
  Oh, you have already known it, have you? (表惊讶)
  So he won’t come,won’t he? (表惊奇,也可能表威胁)
  2.有些特殊附加疑问句,其陈述部分和附加部分的关系比较松散,附加部分只用某些固定表达,例如:用isn’t that true?/so,don’t you think/agree?/wouldn’t you say?/am I right?等以及非正式語中的,right/OK,其形式不受陈述部分的影响,有时称之为“不变附加疑问句”如:
   You forgot the thing that I told you,am I right?/don’t you agree?
  She passed her driving license, right?