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  摘要 為明确大葱水提物对辣椒疫病的控制效果及其主要活性成分,通过室内毒力、田间防效以及GC-MS联用测定发现,大葱茎叶与根水提物均对辣椒疫病菌有一定抑制作用,且浓度越高抑制作用越强。在含300 mg/mL根水提物的平板上培养2 d,辣椒疫病菌菌丝生长的抑制率高达81.50%;但随着时间的推移,抑制作用减弱,5 d 后,200 mg/mL根和茎叶水提物对病菌的抑制率仅为34.18%和25.62%。用300 mg/mL大葱水提物灌根,对辣椒疫病的防效可达50%左右。将大葱与辣椒轮作或混栽可有效降低田间辣椒疫病的病情,防病效果分别为 40.67%和 41.21%。GC-MS 测定结果表明,大葱根和茎叶水提物中分别含有 14种和28 种挥发性物质,且均以有机硫化物为主,分别占总挥发性物质的 82.17%和99.40%,这些硫化物对辣椒疫病菌的生长均有较强的抑制作用。这些结果表明,大葱产生的挥发性物质在辣椒疫病的绿色防控上有很好的应用前景。
  关键词 控制作用; 活性成分; 水提物; 辣椒疫病; 大葱
  中图分类号: S 482.1
   文献标识码: A
   DOI: 10.16688/j.zwbh.2019149
  Control effect of the aqueous extract from Allium fistulosum on
  pepper phytophthora blight and its active components
  CHEN Yuwen1, HE Chao1, CHEN Xijun1, HE Zhen1, WEI Lihui2, LIU Youzhou2, HUANG Benli1
  (1. College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China;
  2. Institute of Plant Protection, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China)
  To determine the effect of the aqueous extracts welsh onion from Allium fistulosum on the growth of Phytophthora capsici and pepper phytophthora blight, the extracts from different parts of the welsh onion plant were added into the medium or poured into the rhizosphere soil of pepper. The results showed that the aqueous extracts from different parts of welsh onion had significantly inhibitory effects on the growth of P.capsici. After 2 days, the fungus cultured in the medium containing 300 mg/mL aqueous extracts from welsh onion root was significantly inhibited and the inhibition rate reached 81.50%. As time went on, the effects of the extracts from welsh onion root and stem on the pathogen growth gradually decreased and the inhibition rates were only 34.18% and 25.62%, respectively, at the 5th day. The solution containing 300 mg/mL aqueous extracts from welsh onion was poured into the rhizosphere of pepper, which reduced the severity of pepper phytophthora blight by about 50%. Rotation or mixed planting with welsh onion could effectively reduce the disease of pepper blight, and the control effects were up to 40.67% and 41.21%, respectively. The results of GC-MS showed that there were 14 or 28 kinds of volatile substances in the aqueous extract of onion root and stem/leaf, mainly organic sulfide, accounting for 82.17% or 99.40%, respectively. Some organic sulfides had strong inhibitory effect on the growth of P.capsici. These results indicated that volatile substances from welsh onion had a good application prospect for the green prevention and control of pepper blight.   大葱是传统的药用植物,对于治疗人类疾病如感冒、腹痛、头痛和心脏病等均有良好效果。近年来,葱蒜类植物也被用于与其他蔬菜轮作、间作来控制蔬菜病虫害。生物测定结果表明,大葱提取物对多种动植物病原菌,如葡萄球菌、肠炎沙门氏菌、黑曲霉、青霉、尖孢镰刀菌和大丽轮枝菌等的生长有较好的抑制作用[28]。盆栽试验表明,大葱提取物对黄瓜枯萎病、辣椒疫病和辣椒根腐病有很好的预防和控制效果[14]。本文通过灌根施用大葱提取物,以及将大葱与辣椒进行轮作和混栽,发现几种方法均可减轻田间辣椒疫病的发生,防效均在40%以上。这些结果说明,对于植物病害的生物防控来说,大葱及其提取物具有较好的潜力与应用前景。
  尽管目前对于大葱提取物和挥发性物质的鉴定研究有很多,但有关其中到底是哪些物质在起杀菌控病作用,目前还未有相关报道。杨粟艳等[13]分别研究了大葱总提取物、蛋白成分、多糖成分和挥发成分的抑菌作用,结果发现仅总提取物和挥发性成分对黄瓜枯萎病菌的孢子萌发与菌丝生长有抑制作用,而大葱蛋白及多糖成分对供试菌均无抑制效果,说明大葱的抑菌物质可能主要在其挥发物中。作者前期研究发现,在葱蒜中普遍存在的硫醚、二硫醚和三硫醚等硫化物对辣椒疫病菌有很好的抑制作用[29]。将大葱根与茎叶挥发物中的主成分二丙基二硫醚和2,4-二甲基噻吩分别加入培养基中,同样可有效抑制辣椒疫病菌的生长。目前,在生产上硫醚类和噻吩类杀菌剂已得到广泛应用,噻吩类杀菌剂主要有噻吩酰胺类、Stroburins类、联芳香环类、磺酰胺类、噻吩脲类及其他类7类,防治对象包括稻瘟病、霜霉病、疫病、炭疽病和白粉病等,日本日产报道的化合物49除具有很强的杀菌作用外,在1 000 mg/L浓度下对黑尾叶蝉的杀灭效果达100%[30]。本研究在大葱茎叶中发现的2,4-二甲基噻吩在100 mg/L浓度下对辣椒疫病菌的抑制效果达87.89%,具有很好的开发成高效杀菌剂的潜力。
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  (责任编辑:田 喆)
  收稿日期: 20190325   修订日期: 20190604
  基金项目:现代农业产业技术体系(CARS-24-C-01);江苏省重点研发计划(现代农业)项目(BE 2018359);江苏省农业科技自主创新资金[CX(18)2005]
  致  谢: 参加本试验部分工作的还有江代礼、谭翰杰、张能和纪烨斌等同学,特此一并致谢。
  通信作者 E-mail:陈夕军xjchen@yzu.edu.cn;黄奔立yzhbl2003@163.com