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  • 基于四大中文数据库刊载视频宣教应用于患者健康教育的文献计量学分析


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   【摘要】 目的:通过文献计量学分析,分析视频宣教在患者健康教育中的应用现状,为临床护理和科学研究提供借鉴。方法:检索2009年1月-2018年12月中国知网(CNKI)、万方、中国生物医学文献(CBM)、维普(VIP)四大中文数据库有关视频宣教應用于患者健康教育的文献,利用Note Express 3.0文献管理软件去重,并采用Excel建立表格,可视化分析纳入文献年度分布、第一作者所在地区分布、期刊来源分布、基金资助分布、高频关键词分布,并进行统计。结果:共筛选出284篇文献,其中CNKI 138篇,CBM 10篇,万方107篇,VIP 29篇。文献数量呈逐年上升趋势,平均年发文量为35.5篇。文献第一作者来自于22个省、自治区、直辖市,江苏省、湖北省、浙江省位居前三位。284篇文献中,被引超过10次以上的共43篇,被引次数最高为61次。有6篇受到基金资助,其中国家自然科学基金资助最多,共3篇(50.0%)。结论:视频宣教在患者健康教育中的应用范围较广,但相关研究的深度不够,发表于核心期刊的论文较少,基金资助较少,需要加大政策、经济的资助,加大研究的深度,以不断扩大视频宣教在患者健康教育中的应用范围。
   【关键词】 视频宣教 健康教育 文献计量学分析
   [Abstract] Objective: To analyze the application of video education in health education of patients through bibliometric analysis, and to provide reference for clinical nursing and scientific research. Method: Literatures related to the application of video education in health education of patients were retrieved from CNKI, Wanfang, CBM and VIP databases from January 2009 to December 2018. Note Express 3.0 document management software was used to de-duplicate and Excel was used to establish a table for visual analysis of the annual number of articles, the geographical distribution of the first author, distribution of journal sources, distribution of fund support and distribution of high frequency keywords. Result: A total of 284 articles were screened out, of which 138 were CNKI, 10 were CBM, 107 were Wanfang and 29 were VIP. The number of articles was increasing year by year, and the average number of publications was 35.5. The first author of the articles came from 22 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, Jiangsu, Hubei and Zhejiang provinces were the top three. Of the 284 articles, 43 were cited more than 10 times, with the highest number of cited 61 times. And only 6 articles were funded by the fund, of which the national natural science foundation of China was the highest, up to 3 articles (50.0%). Conclusion: Video education has a wide range of applications in patients’ health education, but the depth of research is insufficient. There are fewer articles published in core journals and fewer fund support. It is necessary to increase policy and economic support and the depth of research in order to continuously expand the scope of application of video education in patients’ health education.
   Farris[1]研究指出,按照常规方法进行健康教育,患者会直接忘记40%~80%的健康信息,同时记住的信息中有近一半是不准确的。视频宣教是以健康教育为核心,通过视频的直观性、生动性来提高患者认知,改善不良认知造成的负性情绪的一种宣教方法[2]。相比传统的健康教育,视频宣教更形象、生动,能够避免传统健康教育内容单一、知识局限等弊端,从而提高健康宣教的准确性及有效性[3-4]。为更好地了解视频宣教在患者健康教育中的研究现状及存在的问题,本文应用文献计量学的方法通过Note Express 3.0的文献管理功能和Excel表格统计分析数据,对我国近10年来关于视频宣教应用于患者健康教育的研究现状进行可视化的文献回顾,以期为临床实践提供指导,报道如下。