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  [摘要]目的 探讨微创拔牙法与传统拔牙法在下颌阻生齿拔除术中的不同效果。方法 选取2017年1~12月我院收治的100例下颌阻生齿患者作为研究对象,采用随机数字表法将其分为对照组(50例)和观察组(50例)。对照组患者采用传统拔牙法治疗,观察组患者采用高速涡轮钻微创拔牙法治疗,比较两组患者的张口受限程度、手术时间、拔牙完整性、患者疼痛程度以及并发症发生情况。结果 观察组患者的拔牙完整性高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),观察组患者的手术时间明显短于对照组,张口受限度、肿胀程度明显弱于对照组,并发症发生率明显低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 高速涡轮钻微创拔牙法运用于下颌阻生齿拔除术能降低患者痛苦,提高拔牙完整性,有利于患者康复。
  [中图分类号] R782.11          [文献标识码] A          [文章编号] 1674-4721(2019)6(b)-0118-03
  [Abstract] Objective To investigate the different effects of minimally invasive extraction and traditional tooth extraction in the extraction of mandibular impacted tooth. Methods A total of 100 patients with mandibular impacted teeth who were admitted to our hospital from January to December 2017 were selected as study subjects. They were divided into control group (50 cases) and observation group (50 cases) by random number table method. The control group was given traditional tooth extraction. The observation group was given minimally invasive extraction by high-speed turbine drilling. The degree of mouth opening restriction, operation time, tooth extraction integrity, patients′ pain degree and complications were compared between the two groups. Results The integrity of tooth extraction in the observation group was higher than that in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The operation time in the observation group was significantly shorter than that in the control group, the mouth opening restriction and the swelling degree were significantly weaker than those in the control group, the incidence rate of complications was significantly lower than that in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion The minimally invasive tooth extraction by high-speed turbine drilling for mandibular impacted tooth extraction can reduce the patients′ pain, improve the integrity of tooth extraction, and is more conducive to patients′ recovery.
  [Key words] High-speed turbo drill; Minimally invasive extraction; Mandibular impacted teeth; Mouth opening restriction
  阻生齒,又称智齿,是在口腔牙槽外科发病率中最高的疾病之一,约90%以上的人患过阻生齿病。该病一般无明显临床症状,当口腔厌氧菌感染后可导致牙龈肿痛,给患者正常饮食造成极大困扰。因其一般情况下可自愈,多数患者并未对其引起足够重视,但随着临床研究和深入观察后发现,阻生齿可对口腔健康造成一定危害。很多学者认为,阻生齿会对相邻牙齿造成一定压力,引起前部牙齿出现拥挤和疼痛的感觉,最终导致牙齿畸形。因此,目前临床上运用医疗技术对阻生齿进行矫正处理,或者进行拔除手术处理,减少其对前部牙齿造成的挤压,从而提高患者生活质量[1]。由于阻生齿的朝向和深度问题,拔出阻生齿难度较大,且患者体验感较差,需要不断提高操作合理性,既要拔除阻生齿又要保护临近牙齿,比如运用高速涡轮钻微创拔牙法进行手术,可以很好地缓解患者的疼痛问题[2-3]。本研究选取我院收治的100例下颌阻生齿患者作为研究对象,探讨微创拔牙法与传统拔牙法在下颌阻生齿拔除术中的不同效果,现报道如下。   综上所述,采用高速涡轮钻微创拔牙法治疗下颌阻生齿患者,临床效果显著,手术时间短、患者拔牙完整性高、术后肿胀程度以及张口受限度均明显改善,且患者术后并发症发生率低,值得临床推广。
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  (收稿日期:2018-12-24  本文编辑:孟庆卿)