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  【摘 要】写作教学是英语教学的重要方面。为提高写作教学的实效性,培养学生的英语学科核心素养,教师可以通过讨论归还学生主体地位,通过思维导图提升学生思维品质,通过拓展生成提升学生语言能力,通过范文学习提升学生学习能力,通过师生共评培养学生文化品格。
  【中图分类号】G623.31  【文献标志码】A  【文章编号】1005-6009(2019)33-0051-04
  写作教学是英语教学的重要方面,随着英语学科核心素养的提出,小学英语写作教学又有了新的方向。笔者曾参加过一次关于写作教学的研讨活动,授课教师执教了译林新版《英语》六下Unit 8 Our dreams的写作教学课,本节课存在的问题也是写作教学中普遍存在的问题,如教师讲授多于学生思考,教师控制性太强,学生没有自主学习和讨论的机会,学生学习力不足;教师未能帮助学生逐步架构文章结构,学生思维水平低下;表达内容少,文章千篇一律,教学过程不够开放,未能帮助学生进行真实的表达,学生语言能力受限;过度关注语言的工具性,忽视了语言的人文性,对于作文中涉及的情感态度价值观缺乏必要的引导等。
   学完本单元,学生对“梦想”这一主题已经具备了一定的语言表达能力。上课伊始,教师呈现Cartoon time的插图,即描述Billy,Willy,Bobby和Sam各自梦想的图片(图见教材),开始与学生进行对话。
  T: You know who they are, right?But why do I choose the 4 pictures?What’s the topic of them, can you guess?
  S1: I think it’s about dreams.
  T: Yes, good job.Now I have two questions for you, please discuss in pairs.
   Q1: What are their dreams?
   Q2: What key sentences can you find?
  T: Now who can tell us the answers?
  S: Billy wants to be a ... Willy wants to be a ... Bobby wants to be a ... And Sam wants to be a ...
  T: Good. Then, what are the key sentences?
   S: He wants to be ... She will ... He likes ...
   T: Brilliant,your ideas are cool.
  T: Now, boys and girls, look at the mind map. First, please think and discuss in pairs, what can we write in the circles?
   T: Now let’s talk about your ideas.
   S1: We can write “What”.
   T: What does it mean?
   S1: It means “What is the dream?”.
   T: That’s good. Anything else?
   S2: We can write “Why”.
   T: Can you tell us why?
  S2: Why means “Why do you want to have this dream?”.
   T: Right, that’s the reason.
   S3: We can write “How”.
   T: What do you mean?
   S3: I mean how to make dreams come true.
   T: Excellent. Besides these three parts, you can also write something else. So I put a“?” in the last circle.
  《義务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》指出:要为学生提供广阔的思维空间和自主发展空间。在教学中,只有将学生思维能力的培养放在首位,才能不断激活学生的思维,有效地培养学生的学科核心素养。本段教学中,一个不完整的思维导图让学生围绕Dream这一主题发散思维,引导学生在自主分析的基础上逐步架构出文章的结构。如此,学生思维的发散性便能得到培养,思维品质能得以提升。这样的教学让学生从整体上审视语篇内容,通过听同伴们的架构方法,又进一步完善了作文的框架结构,这样学生便解决了写什么的问题,并为接下来的“怎么写”打下了基础。   三、通过拓展生成提升学生语言能力
  T: Now try to finish the mind map, write down your real dreams. If you have any problems, please let me know.
  S1: I want to be a建筑设计师,how to say it?
   T: Anybody knows?
   S2: 好像是architect。
   T: That’s cool. How did you know that? (板书architect)
   S2: I learned it in a book.
   T: Good job. S1, any other problems?
   S1: Why后面的“有成就感”怎么说?
   T: Well, this is a little difficult. You can say “I have a sense of achievement”(板书). I think you can also use this in your writing. So, how can you make your dream come true?
  S1: I’ll read many books. I’ll have a healthy diet.
  T: That’s right. But these are common ideas. Who can tell him some ideas about architect?
  S3: You should learn Maths well.(教师板书)
   S4: You should draw well.(教师板书)
   T: That’s a good idea. You need to study the famous buildings in the world.(教师板书)
   以上教学让思维导图得到了完善,见图2。笔者鼓励学生写出自己的想法,学生的梦想各不相同。面对学生在写作中遇到的困难,笔者敏锐地以此为契机,一方面解决学生的困难,一方面拓展知识。以建筑设计师这一理想为例,笔者适时拓展了单词architect,词组have a sense of achivement,在讨论如何能成为一名建筑设计师时,学生提出的建议也是很好的拓展资源。
  T:Most of you have finished the composition, now here’s one, can you find out its mind map? Please discuss in pairs.
  My dream
   Dreams are like lights. They make our lives bright.
   My dream is to be a singer. I like listening to Jay Chou’s songs very much, and I want to be a singer like him. I know it’s not easy, so I’ll study music hard and practise singing every day. I’ll go to a music college.
   When I become a famous singer, I’ll have concerts(音樂会) around the world. Concerts make a lot of money, so I’m going to  donate(捐献) some to help the children in the poor areas.
   T: Who can tell us your ideas?
   S1: I think it also has “what” “why” and  “how”.
   T: You’re right, anything else?
   S2: It has 开头和end.
   T: Excellent. The beginning and the end. Did you find this?
   Ss: Yes.
   T: Look at our mind map, what can we do?
   S3: We can add the beginning and the end.
   T: Yes. Did you learn any useful sentences from it?
   S4: I learn this: When ... I’ll ...    T: Good job.
   就英语写作而言,信息积累是基础,大量阅读是保证,掌握写作基本要领是前提,用英语思维是关键。范文的学习有助于学生信息的积累,学生从范文中学到了新句型When... I’ll...,这样会让作文更具层次性。
  T: Now please exchange your compositions with your destmates. Focus on: (1)Are there any mistakes in the composition?(2) Is there any shining pionts in the composition?
  S1: I think there’re two mistakes. One is “I want to a cook”. We should say “I want to be a cook”. The other one is “Cook is fun”. We should say “Cooking is fun”.
  T: Nice, you have sharp eyes. Did anyone find any shining points in the articles?
  S2: Yes, in this compositon, he wrote “When I become a famous basketball player, I’ll give a lot of money to the 殘疾 children.”
  T: 残疾 children means disabled children. Boys and girls, do you think this is a shining point?
  Ss: Yes.
  T: Why do you think so?
  S3: Because it’s very good to help the disabled chilren.
  T: Yes, love can make the world be better. I hope your dreams can come true soon.