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   【摘要】 目的:探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)中转开腹的原因及处理措施。方法:选取在笔者所在医院行LC的300例中转开腹患者,分析其中转开腹的原因,探讨处理措施,以降低并发症率及不良反应率。结果:300例患者中,中转开腹22例,中转率为7.33%。中转原因为炎性粘连、胆囊床广泛出血、胆管损伤、胆囊癌、解剖变异、器械故障等。经中转开腹后行电凝及缝扎止血、常规胆囊切除术或修补+T管引流术,均痊愈出院,术后随访无严重并发症发生。结论:胆囊角粘连、胆囊急性炎症及术中出血、胆道损伤是LC中转开腹的主要原因,严格掌握手术适应证,提高腹腔镜操作技术,操作循序渐进,减少手术失误,把握中转开腹时机,可有效降低并发症率,保证手术安全顺利完成。
   【关键词】 腹腔镜; 胆囊切除术; 中转开腹; 原因; 处理
   doi:10.14033/j.cnki.cfmr.2019.23.060 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1674-6805(2019)23-0-03
   【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the causes and treatment of laparoscopic cholecystectomy(LC).Method:Three hundreds patients undergoing LC operation in the author’s hospital were selected for conversion to laparotomy,the causes of conversion to laparotomy were analyzed,and the treatment measures were discussed in order to reduce the rate of complications and adverse reactions.Result:Among the 300 patients,22 were converted to open surgery,and the conversion rate was 7.33%.The reasons for the transfer were inflammatory adhesion,extensive hemorrhage in the gallbladder bed,bile duct injury,gallbladder cancer,anatomical variation,and instrument failure.After conversion to laparotomy,electrocoagulation and suture hemostasis,conventional cholecystectomy or repair +T tube drainage were all discharged and no serious complications occurred after follow-up.Conclusion:Gallbladder horn adhesion,acute inflammation of gallbladder and intraoperative hemorrhage and biliary tract injury are the main reasons for LC conversion to open surgery.Strictly grasp the indications for surgery,improve the technique of laparoscopic operation,step by step operation,reduce surgical errors,and grasp the timing of laparotomy.Effectively reduce the complication rate and ensure the safety of the operation is completed smoothly.
   【Key words】 Laparoscopic; Cholecystectomy; Transfer to open surgery; Cause; Treatment
   First-author’s address:First People’s Hospital of Qinzhou City,Qinzhou 535000,China
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